Part 7 This Day.. Was KINDA Fun.....

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The song at the top comes into play at the very end of this Chapter... But please enjoy it!



"Sooooo.. Where are we heading?" I asked Penn slightly confused.

"I.. ha.. I don't know.. Do you like video games?"

I smirked. "Only if you tell me why the other two are not here."

"I told you they ditched!" His cheeks heated up with anger slightly or embarrassment.

"OK.. OK. I believe you." I laughed. "If you wanna be beat at video games, then let's go." He smirked, and I melted. I'm so weak...

"Watch as you get beaten."

"Nuh huh!" He took off towards what probably was the mall and I took off after him laughing.

Half hour timeskip

Penn's POV

"No fair..." I said walking out of the arcade as we headed to the cafeteria. "How did you beat me at ALL of them!?"

"I dunno.. But that was awesome!" She cheered, I blushed slightly, and laughed.

"Yep.. Seems like you don't get out often." We went up and ordered our food. Y/N ordered F/Food and I ordered hamburgers. We sat there in silence. Good silence, not like that awkward silence. After a while she cleared her throat.

"Sooo.. you're not that bad of a guy... Thank you for pulling me out of the house..." I went to respond but my MUHU went off.

"Uhhhhh.. Give me a moment." I jumped up and ran for the bathroom leaving her looking confused. "Yes, Phyllis...?"

"You are needed for job. Right away." with that she hung up I walked back out to Y/N and she was paying for our lunch.

"Sorry, got a call from mom... She want's me home."

"N-No that's fine! I gotta call from my boss...sooooo.. Yeah." My face turned pink from embaressment. "Bye!" I ran off and towards the theater and I heard her.

"Well bye then...."

Y/N's POV (short)

I stood there for a second sadder than hell. Well damn... I thought, while walking towards my house. Sashi ran passed me and stopped to threaten me but saw who it was, instead she rolled her eyes and kept going. Worst. Day. Ever.... I hung my head and kept walking.

"Sweetie, you're home early! Uh.. why the lonesome face, dear?" She patted the couch, and I sat down.

"He left early.. Then one of my 'friends' rolled their eyes at me... I'm hopeless." I stood up and jogged up the stairs, to listen to music. I put on They're Coming To Take Me Away.

Penn's POV(Short)

I made it to the theater and Sashi and Boone followed me into the building. I looked into the portal and saw what looked like our town. "Uhhh Phyllis, what with that?"

"It funnier when I don't say." With that she put us into the world.

Loner! Suicidal! Super Hero! Reader x Penn Zero: Welp...Where stories live. Discover now