Chapter 7

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I finally reach Josh's room after getting lost a few times in their massive house.
The door is wide open and I hover at the door frame, gawking at the sight before me, his room is enormous!

Its got two white walls and two dark blue walls, a king size bed at the side with stripy covers and a drum kit in the corner. Resting against his desk is a black guitar, Josh sits in his desk chair facing his Mac laptop and high tech speakers, immersed in a YouTube video.

"Hey, whats up?" Josh turns around in his desk chair to face me as if he's sensed me standing there.

"Um the ceiling?" I point out before laughing at my own joke.
Josh smirks and facepalms himself.

"Wait, did Connor leave you? Were you lost? That bastard."

"No no I was with him just now" I say and gesture to a card box beside me  "Do you want help with your room?" Even though his room already looks fricking amazing.

"Well if you don't mind, I've got some photo frames in there and I don't really know where to put them..."
We spend a good half hour sorting through the different photo frames, ones of his family, others of him and Connor at the beach, he wants to pick out just a few.

I point at the guitar beside his drumkit
"I didn't know you were musical."

His cheeks turn a shade of pink
"Yeah It's nothing special, I just play sometimes."

"Cool! I'd like to hear you play some time." I feel like I've discovered a new side of Josh, for all I know there might be an amazing superstar right infront of me.

As I'm about to pick up the next photo, my eyes rest on a particular one at the bottom of the box. A tanned Josh with a beautiful blonde girl, both licking strawberry ice creams whilst hugging and beaming at the camera. They look so happy together it almost sends pangs of jealousy through me, her stricking beauty makes me instantly hate her.

Come on Jen, stop being ridiculous, hes not even your boyfriend.

I take one more look at her and decide shes Josh's girlfriend, she must be. I'm about to ask Josh about the girl when he looks down at the photo I'm holding and sudden sadness clouds over his eyes, a look of longing. Yep thats defenitely his girlfriend then, probably the love of his life he left behind in Kentucky, I decide not to make him uncomfortable so I leave it.

"Ok I think thats it" Josh is back to his normal self again,
"Wanna order pizza?"

"Extra pepperoni" I grin.


I finnish off the last crumbs of pizza on my plate, moaning in pleasure.

"I think Jenny's having a food-gasm." Connor jokes to Josh who nearly snorts out his orange juice.

"Cut it out Conman" I cringe at the name I just came up with.

"The cringe is real." Josh remarks whilst Connor grins at his new nickname.
"The names Man... Conman." he says in his best James Bond voice and Josh shoves him playfully but a bit too hard that he falls of his chair.
"Ouch!" he rubs his shoulder and we burst out laughing.

After a while, I get ready to go home but Connor pulls me to the side.
"Do you wanna go to the beach with me tommorow?"
I pause at the sudden question and look over at Josh, he exhales in an annoyed way. The thing is, I don't like Connor in that way, he's sixteen and I'm eighteen. But I think this trip to the beach means something more for him.

I look over again at Josh and get reminded of the jealousy I felt whilst looking at that photo.

"Yeah sure, what time?" Connors face lights up in excitement at my answer.

"Is one ok?"

"Yep, see you there. Bye!" I wave
"Bye Josh!" I add

"Bye Jen." he looks into my eyes intently. Connor coughs and I brake his gaze.
I shut the door behind me and make my way to my house with one thought in my head.

Stupid girlfriend.

Once upon a summer|JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now