Finding out Cullen wants to be friends

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It's been a few days now and Biers is really getting on my last nerve and Cullen is not helping out matters either.

Emmett and I were in the cave and we ran into some creatures and dumb ass Cullen just about got his ass killed. The idiot walked in here and he didn't had any weapon on him. Because of having to save his ass and it took longer to kill the damn things.

We were finally got back and I walked up to Cullen. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY OR SOMETHING CULLEN?" He just stood there blankly looking at me.

"I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU WERE SO FRIGGIN CARELESS. WE TOLD YOU NEVER EVER GO IN ON ARMED." I snapped at him. "Oh I was armed!" He says with a smug look on his face. "YEAH WITH A REGULAR STUPID GUN!" I snapped again. I started to notice my arm hurt but I was ignoring it because of the fact of how pissed off I was.

I just glared at him. He crossed his arms in front of him and leaned back against the table. I wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. I finally rolled my eyes and threw my arms up in the air and just turned and walked away.

Why is it seem all fucking men have to be the same assholes and think their stupid normal guns are so mighty when their not. I walked past Alice and she stopped me.

"Ummm, Bella your jacket has blood on the sleeve." She told me. "Huh, what?" I asked her. "Your arm Bella look!" She tells me grabbing my arm and showing me. I looked down and well let's say blood on me, we don't get along and I ended up passing out.

When I finally opened my eyes I was in my tent and I sat up and noticed my jacket was off and my arm had a bandage wrapped around it. When I sat up I rubbed my face in frustration and was trying to figure out how the fuck I got in here and who the hell touched me.

If there is one thing I hate and that's my body being touch. "You're awake. How do you feel?" I looked up at Emmett walking in my tent with some food. "May I ask how I got in here and who the hell touched me?" I asked irritated.

"That would be Cullen and he had to stitch your arm up." He told me as he handed me the plate of food. Emmet then sat in chair next to my table.

"Want to tell me what's really bothering you Bells? You been irritated or off the last few days. Is it because of the fact of Riley or what?. He asked.

"Well kind of. It's more of the fact of finding Dads pocket watch and why here?" I really didn't tell him the whole truth. Because the other part was the fact I feel like Cullen hiding something about Dad or just something doesn't I don't know.

I take my empty plate back out and a cup of coffee appears in front of me. I turned my head to see Cullen standing there with the cup in his hand. Of course I take it. "Thanks!" I told him.

"Are you feeling alright now?" I looked at him confused and then he points to my arm. "Oh that! Yeah I'm fine. I just have a little issue with seeing my own blood." Now why did I just tell him that? I mentally slap myself.

"I suppose I owe you a thanks for that too. But next time don't touch me unless I am awake Please! I have this issue with people touching me. Mainly men." I added and took a drink of my coffee.

He quirks an eyebrow and has a questioning look on his face. "You didn't acted like when you were training." He told me. "That's different!" I told him. "How so?" Really is he going to butt in on my personal business. "Just is!" I would really do not want to go into it." I told him. I walked away so I didn't question anymore.

Two days later Emmett, Jasper, Cullen and I was exploring the other side of the Island when we came upon what would be a old city or in that time anyways. We were walking when I stopped everyone and just listen. In the distanced I could hear yelling or something.

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