The tunnel part one

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As I was getting ready I looked and I saw my old clothes and thought for a minute and then grabbed them and put them on and they fit like a glove. I strapped on my knife and my bow with it arrows. I grabbed my leg gun holsters and strapped them on and reached for my guns and put them in it. I hooked all my gadgets up. I put my hair up like I use to. I felt like myself again.

I walked out and never said a word and just walked by everyone and motioned to them to follow me.

"Holy shit Bells is back that's for damn sure. I'm in trouble." I grinned hearing Emmett say that and reached my hand up and flipped him off. "Hot damn she's back." Emmett says. "What do you mean she's back?" I heard Edward asked. "You'll see and she's more amazing." Gordon says.

I open up the desk drawer in my father desk again and pressed the button and opened up the wall. I looked up at everyone. "Alice I need you to stay behind with Jasper and make sure the wall is closed behind us. I also need you guys to make sure no one I mean no one finds that other piece or knows where we went." I told them. "Got it Bella. I make sure of it." They both told me.

"For the rest of you it's dangerous and there alot creatures my father hid down here to protect his lab. So be on guard." They nodded.

"Jasper take care of my sister." He nodded to me and Alice ran over next to me. I looked at her. "This is what dad wanted you to do. That's why he only told you." I smiled and gave her a hug and walked over to the tunnel and Edward stood next to me and I look at him.

"You ready for this?" He looks at me and then into the tunnel. "Ready as I will ever be."

I walked in and stand at entrance and motion for everyone to go in. I peeked out and nodded to Alice to close the door. I stood back against the wall and the door closed.

I walked ahead and seen the torches and picked them up one at a time and lit them and handed them out. Then we headed out.

I knew it was a very long tunnel and it take us awhile to get there. As we're walking I noticed something different in the wall. I put my hand up for everyone to stop.

I walk up just a bit and kneel down and look for something to throw. I found a rock and stand up and throw it. I jump when I seen the flames shoot out from the wall. I pick up another rock and throw it and watch as the flames shoot out and I notice a pattern.

I smirk and I walk forward and stop as the first flames shot out and stopped. I walked forward and stopped again. I kept doing this until I heard Edward yell out.

"BEHIND YOU BELLA!" I slowly turn around and there standing was a fire creature. He was so close I could feel the heat off of him. I stood as still as I could.

He moved his face forward and was really looking at me and then screamed. I kneeled down and covered my ears. I looked up and he looked down at me and as he reached for me I stuck my hand out and my hand turned blue and as he touched it he jumped back.

My eyes widen realizing that I needed to run but I knew more were coming. "RUN NOW!" I told them. I got up and took off running and it came after me.

I came to a sudden stop when the flame shot out from the wall. Then I could feel breathing on my neck. I only moved my eyes and there the creature was standing next to me.

I made a quick movement and reached out and grabbed ahold of it and pushed him against the wall and took my hand and reached for my gun and put it to his head and shot it and took off again and dodging the flames and creatures as I shot them.

I finally came to the end of the first trap and there was another fire creature I jumped and flew forward and grabbed ahold of its head and twisted as I came down to the ground and landed on one knee and it was struggling behind me and in my hands. I slowly stood up and turned around and as I flew and twisted back to the ground and pushed the creature head into the ground I reached for my knife when we were down and I took both hands and thrusted into his skull as hard as I could.

As I stood up everyone was walking up to me finally. There faces was just of pure shock. "What!" I said. Emmett just walks by grinning shaking his head. "Show off." I laughed when Emmett said that.

"I'm not a show off Emmett. I just do what I'm good at who do you think taught your ass." I told him. He chuckles. "You did smart ass. Now lets kick some damn creatures ass's." He told me.


We were walking for awhile and been through 5 more traps but thankfully there hasn't been a lot of creatures to fight. But for some reason Bella and Emmett walked way ahead of us. I couldn't figure out why.

"BELLA WATCH OUT!" I heard Emmett yell. "ARRGGHH!" Bella screamed out and we took off running and stopped when Emmett stopped us. I walked up next to him and looked down and there was Bella down on ledge fighting a creature.

"What the hell happen Emmett?" I asked him. "We got to here and Bella was looking for a way to get across and the next I knew that damn thing appeared behind her and they went over." He told me.

Gordon walks up to me and I watch as he sets down the bag he had start digging into it and digs out a gun looking thing with a hook on the end. He aims it up to the ceiling and shoots and the hook anchors into the ceiling.

He walks over to me and starts hooking me up. "What the hell you doing?" I asked him. "You are the only one that can get next to Bella when she's well how do I put this. When she's in fight mode. Here you'll need this to get out of there." He tells me as he hooks another gun with a hook in it. "I hope you know how to repel?" He asks me. "Yeah I do." I told him. "Meet you across." I told them.


I was standing there fighting the creature but also trying not to go off the edge of the ledge. But as I fought I ended up slipping as I dodged him and went off.

I felt something catch me. I looked up to see who had my arm and it was Edward. I reached up with my other hand and grabbed a hold of his hand as tight as I could and he pulled me up to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I smiled at him.

"What took you so long?" I asked him. He laughed and shook his head. We spun and my eyes widen as I seen the creature jump towards us and I reached for my gun and kept my legs hooked to Edward and leaned backwards to flip upside down.

"EDWARD SPREAD YOUR LEGS NOW!" I yelled out to him and he did as I told him and turned my head and twisted my arms and shot at the creature.

It fell into the hole. I turned and looked up at Edward and he reached his hand down and helped me back up.

"A little warning next time will you." He to me. "Sorry didn't have time." I grinned and gave him a quick kiss. He reached down and he had the grippling gun and handed it to me.

I grabbed it and aimed it and shot it and hooked into the ceiling. "You might want to unhook yourself and hold on to me." I told him.

I unwrapped my legs and gripped his shoulder to hang on as he unhooked and he wrapped his arms around me and I reached down and finished unhooking with my one hand. "Ready?" I asked him. He nodded and I clicked the button and we went up.

We got up and Emmett reach for us and pulled us over and we were on flat ground again. "Next time a little more warning Emmett." I told him.

"Hey it appeared out of nowhere Bells. I tried but it was too late and you went over." He told me. I shook my head and walked ahead of him.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephenie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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