Admiting they want to be together.

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"You just saved Bella's life but your whole body was glowing. How you do that?" Emmett asked. I looked down at my hands and then back at Bella.

"I don't really know! All I know is I knew I couldn't lose Bella and when I saw her burns heal I felt something deep inside wake up and my hands started to glow and I knew what I had to do and I did it not just with mind but also with my heart. I'm not afraid of what's inside of me anymore." I fall over the rest of the way.

"Edward!" I put my hand up to stop Alice. "It's not safe Alice. Bella is not in control. Know she stable for now and as long as the fever stays down She will be okay." I told them.

"But are you alright Edward?" Alice asks me. "I will be." I scoop up Bella and sit down all the way and scoot back against the wall and bury my face into her hair and hold her close to me. I heard the door close.

That's when I let my tears fall. Yes I am a man and I am crying shoot me. But I almost lost the person I ever cared about the most and I think I love her no I know I love her and when she's ready I will tell her. I finally drift off to sleep.

I was woken to Bella moving. I looked down and she was trying to adjust. I loosen my arms and she finally adjusts and stops moving.

I smiled because she buried her face in the crook of my neck and crawled up as close as she could to me. I wrap my arms back around and lay back against the wall and close my eyes.

I fell back asleep but was woken to someone gently nudging me. I open my eyes and look down and Bella was looking at me.

"Hi there!" A smile went on her face. "You saved my life Edward Thank you!" I raise an eyebrow. "You know?" I asked. She nods. "You have better control and now you have something to teach me." She smiles. I start laughing.

"Not until your better baby. We can't take a chance right now and which reminds no more hot showers right now either damn it!" She giggles. "Yes sir!" That's when I bursted out laughing. Then I heard the door and tighten my hold on Bella because she tensed up.

"No Bella it's alright I got you." She nods and buries her face into my jacket and I looked up to see Rose standing there with a cup of coffee. "Approach slow Rose." She nods and she walks in.

Bella raised her hand and I grabbed it and leaned down to her ear. "NO!" I told Bella more firm. She relaxed a little and her hand fell. I looked back up and reach for the coffee and take it and Rose gasped.

I looked back down and Bella hand was back up in the air and her head was starting to turn. "GRRRR!"

My eyes widen and I set the cup back down. "ROSE GET OUT NOW!" I grabbed Bella's hand.

"BELLA MARIE SWAN STOP NOW!" I started to feel energy surge through Bella's hand and I noticed her eyes started to glow.

Oh shit not again! I gently laid Bella down and stood up. I don't know but it was like deep inside of me something was telling me what to do.

I took off my jacket and shirt and closed my eyes and focus then when I open them Bella hands were up in the air and stuff was flying around. I walked over and kneeled down on top of her and took her hands into mine and I felt a jolt.

But I pushed it back and focus. "BELLA I NEED YOU TO LOOK AT ME!" Her eyes moved and looked at me. I move one hand and gently placed it on the side of her face. She leaned into the touch of my hand more.

"I need you to calm down baby I'm right here you're safe. No one will hurt you ever again. I won't let them. Let go baby it's time. Stop fighting it!" She closed her eyes and curled up into a ball and that's when she broke down I mean finally really broke down.

Treasure Hunters  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now