Just Another Day

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Perseus P.O.V

I was bored. Since End's little defeat at trying to take me back, his armies were outraged. So that meant we had more monster attacks and more enemy gods and goddesses we had to fight. But since End's defeat, the U.A has been training very hard to stay strong and alert. Hecate, one of the last goddesses of the Olympian pantheon not turned, conjured a spell that made some of our monster armies appear and act and look like humans.

This was a huge improvement since most of the U.A's weapons had the power to damage the soul and body beyond repair, the monsters, now human, can go and get mortal supplies and weaponry. Weaponry so the demigods won't die instantly when it comes to battling, and supplies so we can keep our numbers growing and still have supplies to keep everyone, including the monsters, in tip top shape.

But there was one thing we didn't account for. Other Religious Pantheons are starting to fade, even ones that were still growing. Also in the mortal world, a war had erupted. It appears End had made some of the rulers of powerful nations paranoid, and in doing so these powerful nations started to attack lesser nations. The bad part was, now the United States and Germany were being targeted.

You see, as tensions grew among the Nations of the World, The U.S and Germany tried their best to prevent World War 3 from starting. Doing this however made the powerful nations mad. The good part about it was both the U.S, and Germany, along with Russia, Japan, Italy, Spain, and Mexico, with the support of the nations of Latin America declared if one act of aggression was made, it would be full out war.

Ignoring the declaration, Britain attacked Norway, Belgium, Sweden, and France. Norway, Belgium, and Sweden fell to the might of England. France was tough however. Expecting the people of France to surrender after taking Paris, the people of France fought harder to regain the city of love and liberate their land of Britain. Germany was at an all out war with Poland and its former ally Hungary. The two were a deadly force. Germany was actually on the defensive before Russia came in and took over some main bases in Poland.

China, along with Iraq, turkey, Greece, and Saudia Arabia attacked Japan and Italy. Italy though had a counter measure. Before the attack on the Italian main land, Italy launched troops into both Greece and Yugoslavia, along with Turkey. Due to the surprise attack all three nations were in turmoil before they all fell to Italy. Japan was prepared for the attack as they had expected something like this to happen.

But the attack never came. The next day both India, Mongolia, and Australia surprisingly fell to the combined assault of the attacking nations. New Guinea though attacked the combined armies in hopes to avenge their fallen ally, and surprisingly pushed the armies to the city of Singapore, where Japanese forces meet the retreating troops.

Canda was slowly pushing into the United States. Apparently Canada had built enough weapons and built a large army to hopefully counter the United States Military. So far Canada had pushed into the states to the point they were outside of nearing the four corners on one side and Washington D.C on the other. The thing Canada didn't expect was the army that came from Alaska. Soon Canada was pushed back until the only major city they had left to control was Ottawa.

Cuba, who was once an ally, betrayed the pact and invaded Mexico. The Mexican army fought hard but due to their economy and poor military training, Mexico soon fell along with Colombia and Chile. The continent of Africa became a no mans land.

All the nations in the continent gunned after one another, hoping to out do the other. The result was mass destruction among the already weary and run down nations and mass pandemonium. The only down fall was China, along with its allies, swooped in and took over every nation and due to the useless battles, all the nations in Africa fell without resistance. Madagascar was the only nation left.

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