The Battle of Perseus (2)

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No one P.O.V

Everyone watched the fight between Artemis and Neo with awe. The way they moved and how quick and elegant their dodges and hits were astounded their audience. Even End and Chaos were astounded and felt a wierd feeling while watching the duo.

Artemis and Neo on the other hand were bored. They were able to predict each others movements and were able to counterattack. But this soon got old as both of them started to stop battling all together. To them, it was nice to stop, while everyone else were just shocked the two suddenly stopped fighting.

"What the hell Artemis!? Finish!" End shouted. Artemis just looked at End with a pissed of look. "Sorry to be disrespectful master, but I can't even get close to Neo! It's easy to predict her moves and counter, but what's the point in fighting if it's just gonna stay a stalemate?" She said with a shrug.

End was shaking from how pissed off he felt. Snapping his fingers Artemis was suddenly gone and in her place was End in full battle armor. "Never send a slave to do a master's job. " He muttered. Before Neo could react End was already in front of her, his palms ablaze.

Neo was on defense as End fought her. She couldn't help but smirk as she dodged End's attacks with ease and was able to counter here and there. The battle came to a close as End made a grab for Neo's umbrella.
The moment End grabbed the shaft of the umbrella, he was suddenly blown back by an invisible force.

While he was flying neo summoned many plasma balls and launched them in End's direction. Standing up End was meet with many balls of energy. An explosion rocked the Earth as End was struck by Neo's powerful attack.

Trying and failing to stand up, End didn't see Neo approaching him. She was five feet in front of him before she pulled a laso out of nowhere and wrapped it around End's neck. Using all her strentgh, Neo swung the rope, sending End flying into the forest. Before anyone can protest, Neo was already running into the forest after End.

Before anyone else could fallow, a rip appeared in the air. Seconds later, aerial grimm started pouring out. To make matters worse, a set of doors with images of painful death and devil skulls on each door appeared on the ground. As the doors slowly opened, creatures from the depths of Hell started running out to engage their enemy. Not prepared for the sudden battle, the front gates were soon overwhelmed with enemy troops and Gaea's army was soon scattered. Nyx and Erebus teleported down to save what was left of Gaea's army while Tartarus opened up the pit and let thousands of his owns troops fight the monsters from the Japanese version of hell.

Chaos waved his hands and soon battle ships appeared, ready to take on the aerial grimm. The battle soon turned in the United Armies favor and soon, the grimm and Japanese monsters were defeated. Before they vanished, Tartarus chained the Japanese doors of Hell to the ground. He was going to show the Japanese hell gods he was superior. Looking at Chaos for permission and getting a thumbs up, Tartarus along with his hellish armies, went through the doors of Hell, intent on taking over another version of hell and showing the last of the Hell gods who was boss.

--During the battle--

Neo found and confronted End. She was happy. She finally took down the man that ruined her life. But something wasn't right.
She had this sudden feeling she was in danger and something bad was going to happen to her. Shaking the feeling off, she stalked towards the crippled form of End, intent on finishing what she started.

But as soon as she grabbed what she thought was him, she was soon thrown back into a large boulder. Anyone near could hear a sickening cracks as Neo's head rammed into the large rock. Soon Neo's form shimmered before she was Perseus again. Laughter was all Perseus could hear. Looking in the direction of the laughter, Perseus could see a perfectly fine End.

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