Chapter 6 Poor Soul

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Scott's POV
That must be his parents. They can't be all that bad, I mean they've got an amazing son.
Then I remembered Mitch's wrist. Maybe they're not so great..
"Mitch, where are you?" I hear them shout from downstairs.
"Uh, I'm upstairs"
"Oh hang on then"
"No no I'll come down"
They don't know I'm here.
"Mitch why are you still up? You should have gone to bed a long time ago."
I hear silence.
"Mitch who's here? Is there someone in the house? Who have you brought round?"
My heart starts beating manically. This does not sound good.
"Look mom, we've just been working on a school project. It's no big deal. It's just a big project and it's due in soon and we...."
I hear Mitch get slammed against a wall and I hear footsteps running upstairs. Mitch's bedroom door swings open at the speed of light then his dad storms inside.
His jaw drops and a look of disgust sweeps his face.
"What is this? A boy? Why don't you have your clothes on? WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE"
He rushes over to me and pushes me against a wall, holding my neck.
"Dad, leave him alone! It's my fault, not his, punish me!"
I try to shout no but I'm struggling to breathe being choked by this monster.
"Oh Mitch, I know"
He drops me to the ground and slowly walks out of the room where Mitch has scrambled to the top of the stairs. His father places his hand on Mitch's shoulder. Mitch looks at him pleadingly in the eye.
"Why do look so worried, Mitch?"
"I just don't want you to hurt him"
"Oh hurting him is certainly not my intention"
Mitch's small fragile body smacks violently off each step till he reaches the bottom.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I scream to his father.
He glares right at me and I walk over in his direction, only to receive a fist straight into my eye socket, knocking me to the ground.
His father runs down the stairs and I immediately get up and run after him. He grabs his son by the neck and pulls him up of the floor, pinning him against the wall.
"I don't know what you two have been doing but I know for damn sure it wasn't a project"
He slaps Mitch right across the face causing blood to stream from his mouth. Mitch is struggling to even breathe, never mind stand. If it weren't for his father holding him he would just be a pile of bones and flesh on the floor. He starts pushing Mitch against the wall whilst screaming in his ear. His mother just stands and observes, but I don't. I walk over to his father and grab him by the little hair on his head. I pull him away as hard as I can, causing Mitch to fall to the ground. I throw a punch at his face as hard as I possibly can, causing him to fall unconscious. His mother screams. I don't want to hit his mother, so I just walk over to her.
"You, are a terrible, terrible person."
She looks at me completely outraged, as though she wants to slap me. But I guess she knows better. She runs over to her husband to try and bring him back around, but in the meantime I'm focused on Mitch.
I scoop the fragile, unconscious boy into my bruised and aching arms and leave as quick as I can. I can't believe it. This is what Mitch has been dealing with his whole life.
I run with him down the street as fast as I can in the pitch black darkness till I reach my house. Sweat was dripping down my forehead whilst blood was dripping down Mitch's.
I got to my house and kicked the door open and placed Mitch carefully on my tattered couch.
He looks awful. Well, beautiful, but awful. I unbutton his blood stained shirt to reveal a canvas of bruises and scars and place a blanket over his chest. It would only be kind to change him, right?
I go upstairs and find my nicest pair of basketball shorts. I carefully unbutton his skinny jeans and slowly remove them, making my heart beat fast. I put the shorts on him and go to grab a wet cloth to try and soak the blood off of his skin. He must be in a lot of pain.
I grab a glass of water and a painkiller and place them on the desk next to him for when he wakes up.
This poor, poor soul.

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