Chapter 8 Weak At The Knees

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Scott's POV
"Hey, I thought since you're a little better now, we could go out and do something fun" I say to Mitch as he slowly awakens from his sleep.
"What like buy a bed" he jokes.
I don't really have a bed, just a mattress with some blankets, which I let Mitch use. I've been sleeping on some cushions from my couch.
"We should do something new, something crazy. Should we... Get tattoos?"
Mitch's face changes to an expression that I've never seen before.
"So, what d'you say?" I ask him
"I say.. Let's give it a shot"
"Great" I say with a smile. "There's a tattoo parlour about 20 minutes down the road. Let's go!"

We begin the walk down the road away from my scruffy home, laughing and chatting the whole way. Once we arrived we began looking through some of the designs.
"I want something meaningful, something that symbolises something important in my life, so that I won't regret it when I'm older or anything."
"Yeah, good idea" I agreed.
We continued to flip through scrap books full of designs, some pretty and graceful, some almost demonic.

Mitch's POV
"I like this one" I point out a small Chinese symbol with a translation underneath it:
It means 'live on'
I like it because it represents how no matter what your past is, no matter what you've been through, to live on. Forget about trauma and live life as though it never happened.
"I know Chinese words are very cliche, but I feel it suits me well, and it's subtle and pretty"
"I think you're right"
Scott chooses a small flower, to represent all that's good in his life.
"So, who's first?" The tattoo artist asks.
"Mitch? Wanna get it over with?"
I sit in the chair and show him the tattoo. I ask for it just beside my hipbone.
"I can't believe we're doing this" I giggle. "My parents are gonna..." I finish my sentence there, realising what my reality is.
Scott looks down out of awkwardness.
"It's a new beginning" he tells me.
I nod, biting my lip with sorrow.

We walk out of the parlour a couple hours later, giggling over what we just did.
"I honestly can't believe we just did that" I say laughing, having a rush of adrenaline.
"It looks really great. I didn't think you'd be so brave!"
"What's that supposed to mean!" I raise my voice jokingly.
We both laugh and carry on walking down the street.
Out of nowhere I get a sharp pain in my head, and my vision goes fuzzy.
"Ahh" I grimace, putting my hand to my head.
"Mitch? Are you okay?"
I start breathing heavy and I can feel my eyes rolling backwards.
"Mitch?? What's wrong?"
I want to answer, but my legs get weaker until they can no longer support my body. I collapse into a heap of bones on the floor. The world around me is blacking out and all I can hear is Scott panicking.
"Hello? I need an ambulance right away please..."

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