Percy Jackson worth the trouble in the first place!.. *sighs*

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Now I just want to say upfront that this chapter is more guidelines. If you're reading this for my hate-filled rant of cliches than you may want to skip this chapter. If you want tips from a reader on how to make a more original Percy Jackson/avengers fic than please read on and send me the story if you follow these guidelines.

The kidnapping.

Do any of you watch agents of shield? Well there's some season 1-2 references in this chapter. The show is comprised of dangerous adventures the main cast go through working for shield. These include: taking a variety of incendiary objects/people, discovering an alien race, taking people of said alien race, objects that give you superpower/turn you to stone/explode, etc. My point is in the show they do dangerous stuff sometimes more then the avengers. If Percy was suspected of being a terrorist and nobody knew about his powers shield wouldn't even come to him in the first place. Much less the avengers! However, if they did know about his powers then shield would come and speak to him. Shield doesn't deal with regular terrorists and criminals they deal with powered people. Here is my suggestion if you want to make a new pjo/avengers crossover. 1. Percy and/or the seven do something to reveal their powers. (e.g. Saving people, killing monsters.) 2. A shield team comes to investigate and contain them. (The team could be coulsons team or shield agent OCs.) 3. They are brought in for psyche evaluation. (I'm not talking ink blots or "what's the first thing that comes to mind when I say pillows?" In agents of shield s1 e19 there is an interrogation these are the questions: Full name? Eye colour? Have you ever been married? Immediate family? Do you have affiliations with hydra? (I imagine the seven getting really confused because "how do you have affiliations with a hydra? Have you seen those things?). You should probably make up some more objective questions. (e.g. Romantic relationships, powers, injuries, hair colour.) Then move onto: What is the difference between an egg and a rock? Have you ever met or heard of Alexander Pierce? You wash up on a deserted island. On the sand there is a box. What is in that box? (I can imagine Percy saying " nothing probably, I'd most likely just go to the bottom of the ocean visit dad, say hi to Tyson.") Feel free to make up more questions if you think they would actually be asked in a shield interrogation. 4. Once they are done with the interrogation they are put on the index where they must check in with a shield officer after a certain amount of time. (Completely your choice but I would choose twice a month or once a week). 5. The shield team starts to trust them. So when there is an emergency Percy and the seven (if they're not dead) are called in to help the avengers. (Especially Hazel because shields top priority is usually secrecy). This becomes a regular occurrence and shield brings the seven in as consultants or agents. I also have a headcanon that Johann Schmidt (red skull) was a son of hades which causes Steve to distrust Nico and Hazel at first. This is (in my opinion) the most realistic way that the seven would even meet the avengers.

Clichés to avoid when writing a Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover.Where stories live. Discover now