Chapter One

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The Roommate – Chapter One

Bella's POV

I sat back in my space on the couch as I took a sip of my drink. I had absolutely no clue what was in that red solo cup that I was pressing to my lips, but I was new here, and I had to trust my lifelong friend, Jc. When he handed me the cup, and abandoned me at my first LA party, I really didn't know what to do. Yet, at the exact same time, I knew exactly what I had to do. I rose from my seat and took a deep breath. I was not going to be that one girl at the party who sits alone on a couch because she's too antisocial to do anything. I took a gulp of my drink and set it down on a random table, then began talking to a group of people about what they do for a living, why they were there, who they were with, and just about everything in between. I felt like the most social girl at the party, bouncing from group to group and chatting up people I had never seen in my entire life.

During the car ride to my "new" home, Jc and I talked about the party. "How was your first big Los Angeles party?" He asked, peering over at me every so often but then returning his eyes to the road. "Pretty goddamn good. I was way more social than I thought I was going to be." I said with a smile. "That's good. Did you meet any of our friends?" Jc asked. "I met a few other YouTubers there, a few said they knew you personally, others just watched you." I said. "Well, I'm certainly happy that you'd been social. I bet the other guys are already at the house by now, we should probably speed up a little." Jc said and pressed a little harder on the gas pedal. "I suppose we'll just have to find out." I said.

I had never met any of the other boys from O2L, but I had watched almost every video ever made by all of them. Even from a young age I knew that one day I'd be living with Jc, but I could have never guessed in a billion years that not only would I be living with Jc, but five other men as well. And never in a trillion years did I ever think about living with six men. EVER. But look where I am now, in Los Angeles, California with my best friend and his five roommates. And lucky me, I get to be the seventh roommate, and possibly the hottest one, too.

Jc's POV

The other guys were already at the house, like I predicted. "See, told you they'd be here." I said in a rather sarcastic tone. "Well, looks like you, Mr. Brainiac, were right." Bella said and looked right into my eyes, giving me the biggest and most sarcastic smile I had ever seen. She walked up the driveway and when she got to the front door, she just walked right in. You could really tell that she felt like she was at home here. "I'm going to bed." She immediately said. The other guys just kind of looked at her, puzzled. "You're going to bed? Now? Why?" Connor asked a thousand questions faster than Bella could even answer them. "Shut up." Bella finally said. "I'm going to bed because I am tired, my feet hurt, and right now all I want is some good old fashioned sleep." Bella said, everyone could really tell she was frustrated.

After we heard Bella's music stop playing, we knew she was in bed. "You guys couldn't just let her sleep?" I asked as I took a sip of my beer. "No, she's supposed to be here with us, having an after-party beer." Kian said. "She doesn't even drink beer, you know that." I said. Kian rolled his eyes at the mere thought of someone not liking a nice cold beer. "Don't get us wrong, we like Bella and all, but she needs to have more fun. At the party, she sipped on one drink the whole night, and only talked to people, didn't dance, didn't play any of the traditional party games. She just talked." Kian said, taking a gulp of his beer. "If I can just add something." Ricky raised his hand as he spoke. "I agree with Kian in the aspect that she's not exactly the most fun-loving person I've ever met, at least from what I've seen." Ricky said with a shrug. "Well, just because you haven't seen the fun-loving, amazing, party girl side of Bella just yet, doesn't mean you never will." I said and finished off my beer.

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