Chapter Two

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The Roommate – Chapter Two

Bella's POV

The moment I walked through the door, I was greeted by an ever-so nervous Sam. "Hey, what's got you so nervous, Mr. Confidence?" I asked in a joking manner, but there was nothing I could do to lighten this mood. "Uh, Sam? Are you okay?" I asked, worried about him. "Lots on my mind, and something that needs to be said." Sam vaguely explained what had him so nervous that his knuckles were turning white. "Well, say it." I said, encouraging him to just spit it out rather than look like a nervous wreck. "Okay, here goes nothing." He said.

"Oh, Sam! I never would've thought!" I exclaimed as I practically jumped into his arms. I could feel his smile, as it caused me to smile too. "So, what does this mean?" He asked, all nervous again. "Well, I guess it means we got a thing for each other." I said and broke our embrace. "And this thing could be classified as...?" Sam asked, waiting for me to finish his sentence. "A relationship." I finished. His smiled got even wider, I don't think I've ever really seen Sam smile that big.

Jc's POV

When I saw Sam and Bella on the couch watching a movie, three feet apart with a bowl of popcorn in the middle of them, everything seemed completely normal, except for the fact that Bella hated to watch action movies, yet here she was, watching an action-packed film sitting on the couch with Sam. "Why are you guys watching this movie?" I asked as I put my phone on the counter. Bella paused the movie. "It's what Sam wanted to watch, and I promised that I'd watch a movie with him." She said and Sam nodded in agreement. "Well, have fun." I said rather sarcastically and went right upstairs.

Nothing seemed fishy about the whole movie situation, but I knew that Bella would never sit through a movie like that, without it having something to do with money or promises. This occurrence just happened to have something to do with promises, and Bella was never one to break promises, never in her life had she broke a promise, even if the promise was so out of the ordinary, she managed to keep it. So, in reality, nothing was fishy, although it seemed it. It was just Bells keeping her word, like always.

Bella's POV

"Wait, what?" I asked, the movie still paused and Sam and I having a conversation at a whisper volume. "I don't think we should tell anyone about this whole 'us' thing. Not until we've become comfortable with the whole 'new couple' thing." He whispered. "Well, I think we should tell people. It's not going to do us any good if we keep it a secret, people find out secrets one way or another and I don't want to be accused of lying about my relationship status." I whispered back, rather annoyed at his proposal. "I see where you're coming from, but I need to know that you're one hundred and eighty-five percent sure that you're comfortable with telling people we're a couple." Sam whispered. "I am two hundred percent sure. As long as you're two hundred percent sure that you are too." I whispered. Sam nodded his head and kissed my hand, which he had been holding the entire time.

Then, the lights flicked on.

Like deer in headlights, Sam and I froze, seeing four other men by the stairs, where the light switch was, and where you could hear literally every word of a conversation, even if the two were whispering. "Shit." Sam mumbled under his breath. And I couldn't agree more.

While Sam and I were shocked to see the guys, the guys were beyond shocked to see Sam and I holding hands. I ripped my hand away from his and got up rather quickly. The room began spinning, I lost my balance, and I fell to the ground.

Jc's POV

"Bella!" I screamed and attempted to help her up, she was completely motionless. Sam held her hand and I just kind of looked at him in utter shock once more, but this time it was not shock about the hand holding, it was shock that Bella had just gone unconscious. "Let's go." Kian said and dangled his keys in the air.

All six of us piled into Kian's car, worried sick. When we reached the emergency room, we were taken in immediately, and Bella was hooked up to a thousand different machines, all making annoying beeping and buzzing sounds. Then, we were immediately escorted back into the waiting room, where we were all bewildered as to what we should do. We just kind of stood there, in the middle of the waiting room, and thought about everything that had happened in the last half hour. Sam especially.

Finally, I spoke. "Let's recall what happened." I said as I sunk into the nearest chair. "Well, we walked in, to see Sam and Bella holding hands, we were all shocked, and after a few seconds, Bella ripped her hand out of Sam's and got up, then she fell to the ground and became unconscious." Kian said. Everyone nodded in agreement. No one's story was different, but what happened affected all of us very differently. Especially, Sam.

Sam hadn't spoken a word in the last hour, ever since Bells fell, he hasn't spoken. He just sat there, in the waiting room with all of us, on his phone playing Candy Crush. I didn't know what to do or say to make him feel any better about the situation at hand, however, I knew exactly why he was distant and quiet. It was almost as if he thought that he caused this, if he hadn't made a move in the first place, we wouldn't be here right now. Thing is, it wasn't his fault, not at all.

Sam's POV

Hours passed, no words left my mouth. I was silent, switching between games on my phone as the time passed. This was all my fault. The only thought my brain allowed me to have was just that. "It's all your fault." replayed in my head over and over. I didn't want to think it was my fault, but it was. It really, really was. If I never told Bella how I felt and kept my stupid feelings to my goddamn self, we wouldn't be in this hospital, Bella would be perfectly fine, and I'd be the one suffering, not her. She's suffering from something, no one knows what just yet, but I'm telling you, it's all because of me.

But then, the doctor called our names off a clipboard and we were escorted to Bella's room, A320. Before we could enter there were come basic ground rules that we had to follow, otherwise we'd be kicked out and not allowed to return. Of course, Ricky wrote down all these rules, so he didn't forget. The rules were simple, no bright lights, no yelling, etc. And finally, we were allowed in. Bella looked asleep, but she wasn't, we all knew that. The doctor specifically told us not to wake her, but with the way she was moving, all five of us knew that she wasn't asleep. He left, and we were alone with Bella. Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of Jc's voice.

Bella's POV

"Hi." I said softly as I rubbed my eyes, as I had just woken up moments before. "Hey." Jc said. Then, I was immediately surrounded by boys in chairs. Three to my left, two to my right. Sam, holding my hand. I was groggy, didn't know what to say or do, but it seemed like they were all waiting for some profound speech to erupt from my mouth. I had nothing, however.

"How do you feel?" Kian asked, more sympathetic than I had ever heard from him. "I feel fine, really. The doctors said that I had a mild concussion, very mild, but it hit me right on the spot, and made me black out. They gave me some medicine after I woke up from my blackout and I really do feel fine." I said with a smile, taking my hand away from Sam and placing it on the little button that raised my bed up and down. I made it so I wasn't laying down any longer, then pressed the little red button on the wall. "Hello, Miss. Hughes. What do you need? More water? A snack, maybe?" The nurse asked as soon as she walked in. "No thank you, Isabelle. I need to speak to someone who knows when I'll be let out." I said. "Well, if you have a moment I'd be glad to inform you of anything you need to know, to the best of my abilities." Isabelle, the nurse, said.

After a thirty-minute Q&A with the nurse, we found out that I would be released at 7 PM that evening, and wouldn't need any further care or medication. It was only three in the afternoon, so I had quite a few hours left sitting in this hospital bed, eating hospital mac and cheese and drinking ice water. But the guys certainly had an eye out for me, and went to get me McDonalds while I sat alone in my room watching Friends on Netflix on the tiny little screen of my phone.

But while they were gone, Ross and Rachel were the last thing on my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about Sam. I could already tell that this relationship was going to be my most complicated one yet, and I would love every single second of it.


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