Chapter Nine

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The Roommate – Chapter Nine

Bella's POV

That night, I drove home with tears streaming down my face, and every time I looked to my right, I saw Sam's duffle bag, full of all the things I had previously left at Toby's house, because I thought that I was beyond welcome there. At red lights, I stared at the spare key that was still on my key ring, the spare key to Toby's apartment. Everything was blurred, it was almost as if I was so choked up that I could feel my throat slowly closing on me as I gasped for air. The whole ride home, all I thought about was Toby, and how it was going to be so hard to live without such a perfect man in my life.

I ran upstairs, fast enough where I don't think anyone saw me, and quickly locked my bedroom door behind me. I went through all my belongings, tossed every present, every card, every product, that he had ever bought for me into a big pile on my bed and cried harder as I added a new thing to the pile every few minutes. I made sure I had everything, and then stuffed it all in Sam's duffle bag, after taking out all the clothes, makeup, and other things that I had left at Toby's out of it and put those things where they belonged. I put the duffle bag in the corner, and cried as I plopped it down.

I never thought this day would come, that I would be so heartbroken, that I felt like I was dead inside.

Sam's POV

I knocked on Bella's door an hour after she came home from Toby's, expecting a happy girl to answer the door. But instead I got an extremely depressed looking, heartbroken Bella, someone I was sure I would never see. "Hi." She said, immediately continuing to cry after the word slipped out of her mouth. "What happened?" I asked, pushing my way into her room and onto her bed.

It took a little bit of pushing, but after a while, I got Bella to open up about what happened at Toby's and why she was sobbing her eyes out at eleven o' clock in the evening. "He told me, after I thought we made up, that he can't continue dating me because I get too mad over the tiny stuff, and he can't deal with someone who gets mad over the little things in life." She explained through her sobs. I hugged her tight, and felt her breathing really heavy, and I knew she was so broken that it was hard to breathe, and that she was so hurt that she could barely get oxygen into her system. I stroked her hair as she sobbed into my shoulder, making my shirt soaked with teardrops. "Bells? Why is my duffle in the corner?" I asked, hoping for a response, but understanding that if she didn't give me one, it was just too painful to say. "It's full of every gift he ever gave to me." She said, gulped hard, and continued to sob. I rubbed her shoulder and hummed, my way of comfort in a time like this. But at this point, it was ever so clear.

Toby had broken her.

Bella's POV

I sat on my bed, sobbing into Sam's shirt as he attempted to comfort me in the only ways he knew how. He asked about the duffle, it was painful to get the words out, the fact that all the things, the amazing gifts, that Toby had given me, were in that bag. I sobbed harder and harder as the time went on, probably making Sam beyond uncomfortable. I lifted my head from Sam's shoulder and wiped my tears away from my face. "Can I..." I began asking, but got cut off by Sam. "You can sleep with me if you want tonight." He said, completing my question for me. I nodded my head, saying yes without words, and drying my eyes once more. It was going to be one hard night.

I was right, that night was true hell. Not one minute of sleep, Sam sleeping next to me, his arm draped over my shaking body. I recalled the breakup, the hardest goodbye of my life, I thought about the memories, the party, how we met, everything. I began sobbing again, softly, but apparently just loud enough to wake Sam up. It was three am, and I felt beyond bad that I woke him up, but he was so comforting, that it was unbelievable that someone could care so much about me to hug me tight and tell me everything was going to be okay, no matter what the hour was. And that night, I needed Sam most.

Sam's POV

For days Bella sobbed alone in her room, refusing to eat, drink, or sleep. We became worried, she was so broken that she was sacrificing her health, most likely without knowing it. I didn't know what to do, what to say, what to think, who to call, nothing. I knew nothing, not what to do or what to say, nothing. No one knew, we all just kind of listened outside her bedroom door as she sobbed and mumbled his name under her breath, resulting in harder sobs. At this point, we all wanted to cry with her, but not for the same reason. We wanted to cry because we hated to see Bella this upset.

A few more days, less sobs. And we could sense that she was getting better. It became a normal thing for us to sit outside her bedroom door and listen to her cry while she muttered his name.

Soon, the sobs stopped, and her door opened. "Hi." She said, her voice was shaky, and she was trying hard not to cry. "Hey." I said, I swallowed hard, trying to hide the fact that I wanted to cry with her. "Sorry I put you through all this." She said, her voice becoming progressively shakier. "Don't cry, beautiful. It's going to be okay." Kian said and hugged her, causing her to break again, which resulted in all of us hugging Bella as she cried.

Bella's POV

I slowly got over Toby, the sadness turned into anger within a week's time, and the six of us set all the gifts he gave me on fire in our backyard fire pit. I began getting over him more quickly as the days went on. And finally, I was ready to talk to Sam about everything.

I walked into Sam's room, and he immediately closed his computer and sat on his bed with me. "Sammy, I want to tell you the full story." I said, and he was all ears. "So, our fight was about the fact that I didn't like how I had to tell him where I was at all times, and how he expected me to drop everything and greet him at his own front door every day after he got home from work. And we got into a long, heated, argument about this topic, and then at the end of it, he finally understood where I was coming from, and comforted me and blah blah blah. Then, just when it seemed as if we had made up, he said he couldn't date me anymore because I got mad over such miniscule things. And that's the shorter version of a very long breakup." I said, I could feel my voice getting a bit shaky as I told the story. "Shhh, baby don't cry." Sam said as he pulled me in for a hug. "I won't." I said and hugged him back, tighter than I had ever hugged anyone in my entire life.

Sam broke the hug, and held my face gently, and very close to his. "You are worth so much more than he gave you credit for. He just lost the most valuable human being known to man-kind, and I hope he realizes that now." Sam said as he cupped my cheek with his hand. I nodded my head. "I bet he knows." I said.

Sam tilted his head to the right a little, and moved his hand to make my head do the same. He leaned in, I closed my eyes, and we kissed. It was the most magical kiss I had received in months. He smiled when he pulled away, I smiled too. I looked into his eyes as mine started tearing up.

I knew, then and there, that I had made the wrong decision. I belonged with Sam, and I now realized that.


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