Chapter Five

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The Roommate – Chapter Five

Toby's POV

The doorbell rang. Bella was standing there when I opened it. She threw her arms around me and began sobbing. I stroked her hair and attempted to comfort her in the doorway to my apartment. Once she calmed down enough to actually make it to the couch, I got her a glass of her favorite juice and sat next to her on the couch, she began sobbing again once I handed her the glass. "Bella Bear, what's wrong?" I asked as I crouched down in front of her and placed my hand on her thigh. "I have to worst decision to make and it involves you and another guy and I just don't know what to do!" She said through her sobs. "What's this decision that's making you cry?" I asked. "While I was here, it felt really good, like I belonged here, like this was my home. It felt good to be here with you, even if I did sleep in your guest room. But there's this other guy, Sam. You remember Sam, don't you?" She asked as she stopped crying to explain her dilemma. "Yes, I remember Sam. But I remember Sam as the guy who broke up with you then, on the same day, had another girl up in his room." I said. I got up and sat next to Bella, she leaned her head on my shoulder and began explaining again. "Well, I kissed him. I was in my room, but when I opened my door and saw him smile at me, I walked right across the hall and into his room and started kissing him. I made it so clear that we weren't back together, but my first impulse was to kiss him, and that made the whole thing even worse." She said and began crying again.

I let her use my shirt as a tissue and poured some of her favorite vodka into her juice. "It seems like you always know what I want." She said in an extremely sweet and adorable voice. "I like to think so. I'm really sorry, by the way." I said as she took a sip of her drink. "For what?" She asked, genuinely confused. "For putting you in this position. I know, it has to be hard to choose between your ex-boyfriend, whom you still possess feelings for, and a guy that you've been living with for a while, whom you also possess feelings for. And I am deeply sorry that I am part of a very hard decision of yours, that was never my intention." I said, rubbing her shoulder as I spoke. She smiled at me, delicately, softly, as if she was about to cry once more. "Oh, don't cry now. Princesses never cry." I said and wiped the tears away from her cheeks as she smiled at the ground.

Bella's POV

When I left Toby's house, I had a good list of pros and cons in my head, for each of the two men. And once I got home, I decided that I was going to put those thoughts onto paper, and look at them intently, it was all part of my decision making process. It wasn't going to be easy, but at least I was calm and collected while doing it.

When I got home, it was about nine in the evening. I walked into the house and saw the boys watching a horror film in the living room. I walked quietly upstairs, not a word said, and walked into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I took out a notebook and made two pro and con charts in it. One for Sam, one for Toby. That night, I didn't get much sleep, I was up until two am thinking about this dilemma that I was facing. And every thought that came to mind, that I felt would really help me decide, went into that notebook, which I had officially labeled "Toby vs. Sam". I thought about it for hours upon hours, just trying to think up some kind of decision, however, I couldn't. There were an equal amount of pros and cons to both of the men, and neither of them really had an advantage, another reason why this choice was such a hard one to make.

But at last, after two days being locked in my bedroom thinking, I made a decision.

I called Toby, and told him to meet me at the local Starbucks at four o' clock. I told Sam the same thing. It was two now, and I really began thinking about what I had just done. I told two men, to meet me at a Starbucks, where I was going to announce my love for one of them, and leave the other behind. I immediately texted them both and said the meeting was off, and decided to have a one on one conversation with each of them, explaining myself in a more delicate way.

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