Miracles do Happen

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Miracles do Happen

"What sets me apart from the crowd? That a good question and a quality everyone has, weather it's playing the recorder from your nose or sky diving in every state. Now mine isn't that weird or strange as the example I listed before but I still have on, even if I don't show it very often.

I have a lot of quality's about myself that sets me apart, from me having a wig fetish or to my writing skills, I'm different. The point is I'm not pretending to be the next Britney Spears or Justin Bieber, I'm just being myself. As loud, random, crazy, and hyper that I am, but that what makes me, me and sets me apart from everybody else.

Everyone now and day are what I like to call them "fakes". They don't even begin to acknowledge themselves, they go through everyday pretending. They are afraid to be the real them because of what people may think, but they don't stop to realize how stupid they look trying to be someone else.

There are many types of "fakes" those who cake makeup on their faces to try to be "beautiful" even though they are covering up their true beauty; to those who are the followers who flock around the fakest of "fakes". They copy their every move and style and just become a huge blob of fake.

What I'm trying to get across is that I'm set apart from everyone else by being myself and showing my true colors. For not hiding behind the crowd and facing the world; or hiding in a blob of fake. I stand out because I'm being me and doing a pretty good job at it.

Uh, that's it thank you," I mumble the end before ducking my head and heading back to my seat.

"Callie, may I speak with you for a second?" The annoying voice of my teacher rang across the room and with a sigh of annoyance I stood up making my way towards her ignoring the snickers from various students.

"Yes Ms. Luke, how may I help you," I say plastering a smile on my face.

"You're speak was entirely inappropriate, I'm afraid I'm going to have to fail you."

"But Ms. Luke, the assignment was to state what sets you apart from the crowd and why. It also said that this was an opinion piece and that there was no right or wrong answer even if it was slightly or entirely inappropriate."

"To the principles office now," Ms. Luke snaps pointing towards the door.


"For back talking, out now," Ms. Luke almost growls her spinney finger shaking slightly as she points at the door.

"Fine," I say walking out slamming the door in the process.

I can't believe her! Every time we have an assignment in that class she finds a reason to fail me. It's just because her stupid daughter Jenna is one of those fakes. Who happens to be my ex-best friend and now hates my guts. It's not my fault; she ditched me the start of freshman year. Nothing I could do about it, I muse walking down the hall towards the principles office. My phone starts ringing and I glance at the caller id before answering.


"Hi is this Callie Ray?"

"Yes and who is this," I reply slightly puzzled.

"Hi Callie, my name is Diana White. I work for Modest Records and I'm calling in regards of the contest you entered. I just need you to answer a few questions to verify this is Callie Ray."

"Sure go ahead," I say breathlessly trying to hold back a squeal of excitement.

"Date of birth, age, and the state you currently live in."

"June 27 1998, Fifth-teen, and New York."

"Correct you have won a contest to have a tour of Modest Records, and record a demo," she says.

"I thought the contest was only for a tour?"

"Yes but the head of the record label heard your submission and fell in love with your voice. You are due to leave for L.A. in two hours. Is that enough notice?"

"Plenty, I have to go pack thanks and bye."

"Bye," she says laughing slightly before hanging up.

I barge back into Ms. Luke's classroom with a wide grin on my faces. They can't torment me anymore not where I'm going, I think grabbing my book bag and heading towards the door.

"Thanks for nothing, but I'm off to L.A. see you never," I say doing a dramatic bow before exiting the classroom with a wide grin on my face to start my new life.


A/n should I submit this one or the other one I will post later?

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