Got to Find Him

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Got to Find Him

     Have any of you seen the movie 'Holes'? Where the girl is forced to dig holes in the desert searching for the hidden treasure and later grows up to force kids at camp Green Lake to dig holes to 'build character'? No? Well my life is basically a living 'Holes' movie.

     You see my only living relative is my Great grandfather and he's a little to messed up in the head. Fell out of one or two many trees, if you get what I mean. Well anyways my grandfather is obsessed on the fictional character Waldo. Probably the worst Christmas present I ever bought someone. Off topic, anyway ever since my grandfather discovered the 'Where's Waldo' book he's been obsessed with finding Waldo.

   It's gotten to the point where he's started dressing like Waldo, convinced it will help him and myself locate Waldo faster. I've tried to tell him that 'Where's Waldo' was just a book but he didn't believe me. Now everyday for about twelve hours a day I have to go out and “find Waldo”. Usually I just bring home a random guy I pay twenty bucks to dress up like Waldo. What can I say, the look on the old mans face is priceless every time I walk through the door with 'Waldo'.

   Well the last time I brought home 'Waldo' was last week. I'm trying to slowly ween my grandfather off of Waldo. He's not taking it well either, let's just say yesterday a chair went through a window. To say I’m nervous about gong home today is an understatement, and to make matters worse I’m supposed to be due home in twenty minutes.

   Living the finding Waldo life can be a little rough, but it's all I got. He's the only family I have and without him I have nothing, besides isn't there a saying or something that says you have to stick with your family through the thick and thin?

   I stop to ponder over this for a moment before entering my house, arriving home 12 minutes early. What can I say, I’m hungry.

   “Marley, you're finally home,” My grandfather shouts standing up quickly from the chair he was sitting in.

   “Yeah finally home, I had to call it a quits. I couldn't find Waldo anywhere. He must be getting better at hiding.” I explain to my grandfather while grabbing a shiny red apple from the fruit bowl.

  “That's because I found him!” Grandad exclaims, his face lighting up like a 12 year old boys on Christmas.

   “Really that's great!” I exclaim putting a fake smile on my face. “Why don't you go show me where he is,” I question, silently hoping he didn't waste all the paper printing out pictures of Waldo.

  I silently follow my granddad further into the house before we arrive at the basement door. I watch as granddad opens the door, turns the light on and starts to make his way down the creaky stairs. As I start to follow him I hear a muffled voice calling for help and stop in shock. As I quickly go down the stairs I start to shake out of fear of what I might see.

  At the bottom of the staircase granddad is fumbling around for the light switch. A quite sigh escapes my lips as I flick on the light switch and watch as light floods the shallow room. As I register what I see my eyes widen in shock and the apple falls from my hand rolling across the uneven ground.

  “Granddad there’s a man in our basement.”

  “Say hello to Waldo,” My granddad proudly states smiling like he won the lottery.

  “Granddad that's not Waldo, that's Martin Handford.”

  “It is too Waldo! Now go up to your room or I'll lock you down here with him,” my granddad yells stomping his foot like a little kid.

  I slowly back up startled by his outburst and run up the stairs, leaving Mr. Handford to fend for himself. I don't know why granddad is acting this way because it's totally not like him. I flop down onto my bed and log onto twitter to see I have a mention form my granddad. Yes, granddad has a twitter, I thought it would help with the whole Waldo issue, I was wrong.

  I pull up the tweet and see a picture of Martin Handford tied up in our basement with the caption 'I caught Waldo'. “We're so going to get arrested,” I mutter to myself before a knock sounds on the front door.

  I run down stairs and open the door to reveal the state police and the S.W.A.T team. I slowly open the door and let them in pointing them in the direction of the basement.

The End 

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