Halloween Massacre

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Halloween Massacre

All I feel is coldness, the cold air hitting my bitterly in the face. Is this how it’s going to be for the rest of my life? Cold, dark, and unhappy; I didn’t even do it, but they can’t know that, I had to clear his name I just had to; I love him. I couldn’t let him die, and have the whole world only know him as a murder. He was so much more, at least he was. The man that killed those people, that I wasn’t the man I fell in love with; no that man died long before the murders took place, and I was just too blind to see it.

            “Prisoner two hundred seventy-six, it’s time for you to head into court,” the bland voice of my lawyer drifts threw the room and settles in my ears. I ignore her and continue to stare out the window.  She wouldn’t even call me by my first name. I’m only six-teen for crying out loud! I’m to young to have a prisoner number, but every sacrifice comes with a price to pay, and this was just my price I had to pay.

            “Prisoner two hundred seventy-six, it’s time to leave,” I drift into my own world as the guards roughly pull me out of the chair I was sitting in and pulls me threw a maze of rooms and into the brightly light court room, making me squint until my eyes refocused.

            “What do you plead,” the high pitched voice belonging to the judge squeaks into my ears.

            “Not guilty, your honor; my lawyer Brenda proclaims in that same blame voice. Who names their kid Brenda anyways? Ash never would’ve allowed me to name our kids something like that. I would never have kids; we would never have kids, because Ash is dead now, and I’m left here all alone. To rot in some jail cell and forever be called prisoner two hundred seventy-six, but I must do this, not for me, but for Ash; so he may finally be at piece.

            “I object your honor, I plead guilty,” I say taking a deep breathe and filling my mind with the last good memory I had of Ash.

            “As you wish,” She squeaks, slightly annoyed.

            I shook my head slightly; Ash would be laughing so hard if he were here right now. These are the types of people we both hated. Stuck up snobs who think they know everything. Like half the people in this court room, will think I’m guilty since I just pleaded guilty, I did that for you Ash, I did it for you.  You would’ve done the same for me. I love you Ash, I love you so much.

                “Ash, where are you Ash? This isn’t funny anymore! You’ve been gone for ten minutes! Stop joking around and come on out!” I shake my head slightly letting my long red hair fly into my face. Sighing I tie it back with a rubber band and continue to look around for Ash. Ash, where are yo-,” I start to say but am cut of by someone picking me up and throwing me into the lake. “Ashton Lee Cooper, you will pay for this,” I shriek out, after resurfacing for air.

     “Really, Hun? You’re all the way over there, and I’m all the way over here. I see failure in your future,” Ashton mocks as I climb out of the lake soaking wet.

     “Oh Ash, you’re right give me a hug,” I ask walking over to him. He grins at me before hugging my soaking wet frame and getting soaked in the process.

     “I love you,” Ash says softly into my hair.

     “I love you to.” I glance up at him before pulling away, to go get some warm clothes.

            “Ms. Walker, is there something wrong with your client? Why isn’t she answering,” the annoying sound of the judge’s voice pierces through my thoughts.

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