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Idunno but uh, don't mind agin the chapter name.(_)

By my bae AJBengcoGeek ('')/

Em bored so, yea.

Weird fact about me:
I sniff cats. (Nah, srsly, my cat would've hate me if I do that) I always bite straws whenever I drink something. They said it has a "meaning". The fvck u talkin bout ppl. Idgaf on anything. (K sarre bout that)﹏☉ミ And uhm, I always wear eyeliner everyday. Dunno why._
(Bonus fact about me: I eat pizza backwards. PIZZA CRUST first._ )
Favorite food:
Cat food. (Kidding) Uhm, I eat raw food like, tomato, cabbage, cucumber and carrots (healthy asf), I love marshmallows and pizza.

First fandom:
One Direction, judge me ppl.

Miming, Olivia, Daisy, Maya, Georga, George, Caspar, Myrcella, Thomas, Sophie, Bunny, Chucky, M, Ellie. They're my cats.



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Kyaaa~o.( ) (''●)

Fave ships:

Fave ships:V-Min(;*△*;)

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