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"In their knowledge, I would disintegrate",
I say in my prayers,
For on this breathtaking day,
I sit

A tune colored with a deep shade of sadness, lulling and luring me to the edge.

They know not what my mind whispers to Me, and for that I am grateful.

For when it is my time to leave,
Sadness shall not harm them,
And those who are like me,
Shall not wish to disappear anymore

And those who are sick,
I shall steal their pain and replace it with joy, And for this sad place, I shall take all that is dark and gray,

Out of this earth,
For my disappearance will allow this place to Know light and love,
So then I can look down,

And see faces tinted with a bright shade of Happiness,
With one last tear,
One last breath,

One last heartbeat,
All invisible, my silent screams and loud Whispers,
"Goodbye, I love you. "

And with my last breath,
The world knew peace, for with my presence, All that was sadness and dispair,

Had died quietly and, like me,
Left a smile,
The world was happy again.

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