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The irony of loving someone who could Never love you
Is the bittersweet prologue of a tragic story
That will never be told

The horrid ache of avoiding reflections
Because you hate the one looking back
Because the one with such a lovely heart
Sadly, did not have such lovely petals to Match

Sleeping in a sea of your own tears
Because, although you fell in love with a Magnificent garden,
You were only the insignificant weeds
Always in the way, blocking the true beauty

Wanting nothing more than to be a beautiful Flower
To bloom and flourish just as your love has
But only wilting, day by day

And as you remember his beautiful, vibrant Colors
He falls for a lovely rose,
In that gorgeous garden
While you stay stuck in the shadows
A weed, insignificant
Never to be a flower
Never to bloom.

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