:..TB Saga..:

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What TB Saga lyric are you?

Aries-" Fast food Greasy Taco I love"

Taurus-"Nacho bell grande"

Gemini-"I like your nachos Like diarrhea"

Cancer-"Man I really like Taco bell"

Leo-"I know I can't Watch you make my food Drop on the floor I think it's rude"

Virgo-"Here's to the Mexican Who makes me my food (ME GUSTA) How is that I just ate Now I have to poop"

Libra-"Fast food Greasy Taco I love food like this could only come from above

Scorpio-"Robbed a taco store and asked them for a refill. Hey this is JRizzle"

Sagittarius- "Listen up all y'all"

Capricorn-"I'm winning tacos just because of this gumball"

Aquarius-"I put chalupas where my mouth is"

Pisces-"So watch this because i'm the dopest rapper you've ever messed with"

TØP ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora