Warped Tour Is Back In Action

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Ben's P.O.V.
So today we are at the new venue and we don't play till 3 in the afternoon which was a good thing I had most of the morning with Paige. We walked to go watch Black Veil Brides perform on the Main Stage. We held hands the whole time singing alone with Andy. After watching BVB preform it was time for our sound check. Paige and I walked to the stage that we were playing at. We started doing a sound check. While Paige was standing backstage laughing while Sam, Denis, Cam, and I were jumping around like idiots. I couldn't help but smile. After the sound check I had a hour till we had to preform, so we all hung out on the bus for a hour. The guys were watching a movie while Paige and I were in my bunk talking. "Do you want to stand side stage tonight while we perform?" Paige nodded and smile and put her left hand on my chest and rested her head on my shoulder.
Paige's P.O.V.
"Ben not to sound like a bitch it anything, but when does Warped Tour end?" I asked we have been on tour for a few weeks and my parents want to know when I'll be home. "August 27.. So about a month or less. Why?" Ben said "Well when I told my parents that I would be on Warped that said ok but I didn't know when it ended. And my parents were getting worried." Ben nodded he understood. "Oi! You wanker's ready!" James call from the front of the bus I groaned. Ben lifted me up out of the bunk and have me a piggy back the whole way to the stage. I stood side stage singing alone with them. My train of thought was interrupted by Denis screamed "WALL OF DEATH!" I looked over in the crowd the mosh pit multiplied. Denis yelled "Go!" And everyone started running at each other. I've seen the wall of death a few times, it's cool and all but much more dangerous than a regular mosh pit. Luckily no body got hurt. They ended the concert with Ben's song he wrote for Chris his guitar tech who passed away on tour. The song was called 'Gone'.
Ben' P.O.V.
While singing the song I had tears forming in my eyes. I looked over at Paige and she had tears in her eyes as well. I wrote the song for Chris so I had some feeling of peace. And just letting him know that we all loved him and missed him tons. Chris was one of those people that you couldn't stay mad and could just get along with them really well. Chris was a character he was the kindest person I have ever met. And I was proud to say that I knew him, worked with him, and that he was my guitar tech. After the song we thanked the crowd for coming out and supporting us and walked off stage. I walked up to Paige letting the tears run down my face I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I cried into her neck while she was sniffling and shh-ing me. I let go of her and looked down at her seems how she was only 5'2 and I was 6'1, her eyes were bloodshot from crying and I knew mine were cause they were burning. Paige gave me a weak smile and I have her a faint smile and intertwined our hands together. We walked to bus slower than the rest the band. We were taking our time and enjoying the peaceful sunset view in front of us.

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