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Two children, twins to be precise, are not only destined to save the world from an unstoppable dream demon, but to also save the creatures that are unreasonably trapped down in the dark underground. Those creatures are actually monsters, but they are not what they seem. All of them have one wish: To go back into the real world and be free.

Sharing the same blood, their full power of determination is split, with each one of them obtaining one half of it, eventhough both of their souls appear to be complete. They can choose two paths, leading to different outcomes. Being a saint who refuses to leave a scar on anyone, or being a megalomaniac who tortures people whenever they please.

Nothing will stop them from making this important decision, but once they start their journey with their choice, it will be difficult for them to go back. There is only one way to restart everything to the way it was from the beginning.

You see, if a human has just the right amount of determination, they can reset the underground world all over again, causing the poor creatures to forget every single thing they saw, heard or thought. Well, all except for a certain comedic skeleton and a soulless golden flower.

But in this scenario, since these children both share the power of determination, when one wants to reset everything to the way it started, the other has to agree with his/her sibling's decision in order to reset the whole timeline.

There is still one last ability that only the Pines twins have: the power to save their journey through this shiny 4-cornered star, also known as a save point. For example, if a child accidentally gets killed by a monster of some sort, instead of dying a horrible death, the child would respawn at the last save point they used, making him/her somewhat "immortal" in the world of monsters.

Follow these twins on their wild adventure as they encounter the different living beings in the underground and see which path each of them will choose:
Pacifist or Genocide.

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