Chapter four

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Authors note.

Heya… so I was too impatient to wait for my ideal 12 votes but this chapter was ready almost as soon as I posted the third chapter… but I really wanted 12votes. If I’m not posting fast enough, its because I’m not getting votes and comments… so please vote and comment! I love hearing your thoughts and seeing you like my story through votes…

So tell your friends and suggest my story to others so it all happens faster. By the way I already have the next chapter almost done and five chapters after that planned, but I need the comments and votes or I feel like I am doing a bad job.

Anyway this chapter is a little shorter so I hope its ok. ENJOY!!

The taxi ride to Blake’s place was too long so we went to a hotel not three blocks away. Both Blake and I were impatient, trying not to tear the clothes off each other. We had to settle for electrifying kisses that left us shaking with need.

The taxi stopped out the front of the four star hotel Scarlett Lounge. I paid almost no attention as we fixed our clothes and hair. I went to walk alongside Blake but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side.

Blake trailed sizzling kisses down my cheek and nuzzled my neck as he pulled me inside to the main reception.

“One room, the finest available.” Was all that Blake said. The lady at the desk smiled seductively at him, ignoring me. She flipped her black hair over her shoulders and puckered her lips.

“One room, the finest it is Mr…” she winked at Blake and fluttered her lashes. The sudden compulsion to slap her face made me lift my hand. The alcohol was still in my system but I was able to replace the urge with words and a very dirty look.

“Oh, honey we don’t need the finest room. Any room will do.” I gave the girl a very disgusted, but pointed look. Then I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Blake. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, deepening our kiss. He ran his tongue across the seam of my lips, requesting entrance. I parted my lips and his tongue began exploring. The woman at the counter cleared her throat.

“The best room is the penthouse. Other wise we only have the average rooms. Do you still want the best sir?” The girl brushed her hair away from her pushed out chest, trying to capture Blake’s attention.

I was getting really annoyed with her. I know Blake is not mine but he is here with me. I rolled my eyes and went to walk away. Blake chuckled as he pulled me against his front. He fluttered hot butterfly kisses down the heated skin of my throat to the top of my breasts.

“Where are you going? You can’t leave me with this Man Eater!” he whispered the words against my breasts before turning to the glaring receptionist.

“Penthouse.” I was quite proud of how his eyes stayed on my face as he raised his voice to talk to the ‘Man Eater’. Then I realised he ordered the penthouse. I pulled him to me and kissed my way to his ear.

“We don’t need the penthouse. Don’t put yourself out for me.” I murmured the words into his ear so the receptionist thought we were sharing secrets.

“Yet I want to” he whispered back before saying to the Man Eater, “also send up 3 bottles of your best red wine.” He took the key from the Man Eater’s hand and swiped his unlimited platinum credit card to cover costs.

Blake lent down and kissed me senseless, before pulling away and drawing me into the elevator. The moment the doors shut and Blake had pressed ‘P’ for penthouse I was pushed into the corner and Blake ran his merciless hands up my body to cup my breasts.

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