Chapter nine

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Authors note.


I accepted the lift from Alex. I sat awkwardly in the passenger seat as Alex chattered away about how happy he was for his brother who was finally getting over the woman that was so ignorant and hurt him. Obviously Alex didn’t know that the ignorant woman was me.

I stayed silent, trying to sift through my hectic thoughts. We had been driving for over an hour and Alex had been talking the entire time. He was sweet and considerate and stopped twice to run into a shop and buy us some cold drinks. He told me how when he was 18 he flew to America to start his own life and how he was so happy that Eric had moved to America too.

“We have arrived at Eric’s humble abode!” Alex practically ran to the front door. He knocked and rang the doorbell relentlessly as I watched the front door get pull open and Eric stride out. He looked tired and very annoyed.

“What the hell was that for Alex? I have a sleeping newborn upstairs and a very tired fiancé in bed. Why can’t you be more mature?” Eric reprimanded Alex who looked like a child being chastised by his father.

Fiancé? So he has taken it to the next step. I thought it would hurt more… but it didn’t. In fact I was happy for Eric and Amanda.

“I’m sorry Eric, I forgot that you had the baby already… anyway guess who I picked up from the airport?” Alex gestured in the direction of the car; lucky for me the windows were tinted so Eric couldn’t see me.

“Destiny. Now stop being such an idiot and invite your girlfriend in.” Eric smacked the back of his brother’s head as he turned towards the car.

“Well it isn’t Destiny! Did you know she was cheating on me? She didn’t even go to America! She just made it seem like that so she could meet up with her fiancé! She screwed up because she tried to steal a woman’s luggage to make it seem like she had just returned but the woman ran after us. Anyway the lovely lady in my car isn’t my girlfriend but I would like her to be.” I don’t think they realised I could hear them… that’s a bit awkward.

“So how did you find this ‘lovely lady’?” Eric asked a blushing Alex.

“She’s the woman whose luggage Destiny tried to steal. I offered to give her a lift.” Eric turned toward Alex and raised his eyebrows. Eric’s back was now to me.

“So little brother, why have you bought her here then?” Alex was about to answer so I got out of the car and walked over to them

“Because Eric, my destination was here.” I said the words in my most indifferent voice and kept my expression calm and relaxed. At least I hope I did.

Eric spun around to face me. He stared at me and Alex smiled. Eric opened and closed his mouth, as if he was trying to say something but no sound came out.

“It’s good to see you again Eric.” I smiled at him. I know I was angry when I first came back from my travels. I was hurt and I thought I was in love… but standing in front of the man who apparently has my heart, I felt nothing.

“Katharine, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you were coming.” Eric’s expression hardened.

“I came to see my friends and the little baby girl who is named after me. You did ask me to come. Plus we need to sort some things out.” I told Eric.

Alex’s phone rang and he excused himself to take the call, saying it was Destiny. Eric watched him go around the side of the house before spinning back to me.

“It is really good to see you Katharine. I missed you so much.” Eric whispered the words, as if he was afraid that someone would here them. He stepped closer and ran his fingers gently up my arm. I felt nothing.

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