Chapter five (part 1)

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Author’s note.

Ok so I know this chapter is super short but sometime less is more. And I wont wait for votes and comments, I will just post as I write them for the small amount of readers who are enjoying my story. If I can please a few than I can wish for many… I hope you like this chapter.

Blake’s P.O.V.

A feeling of bliss stirred me from the grasp of my dream. Never before have I felt so content, so happy. Katharine turned in my arms and I held her a little tighter. I can’t believe this chocolaty auburn haired goddess is mine, even for a night, and not a figment of a lonely man’s imagination. Thinking back on last night I needed to replay how this happened, how Katharine and I came to be here.

When I sat at that bar I was looking for a release. All the women that had approached me saw my looks, my suit and my shoes as a representation of the money in my bank. They saw a good looking and wealthy man. Yes I have billions in the bank and I have been told that I am good looking, but that’s not ME. I’m so sick of the shallow women who see me as dollar signs or a status raiser or an accessory!

I sat down at an empty seat, and yes I did notice Katharine. I saw a beautiful woman. Her hair, body and face all a magnet for men, like moths to fire. But her voice! Silky smooth, harmonious and so sexy. I was instantly hard.

I told myself to ignore it, to ignore her, but I couldn’t stop myself from drawing her attention. I had to see her eyes. And god was it worth it. Instantly I saw she had almost no makeup on, it was all natural beauty. And in that second… I was gone.

After she drifted to play pool, my eyes never left her. I waited until she came back because I wanted, no needed to talk to her again. I was so glad that she did return that I scribbled my personal number on my business card; ready in the hopes I would get the chance to give it to her.

When I left the bar I walk so slowly, hoping she would come out after me. When she didn’t and I got into the cab I felt my chest ache and the worst disappointment echoed throughout my body.

My phone rang and my heart leapt, only to fall when I answered and my sister’s voice came through the phones speaker. Than I hung up and a few seconds later it rang again. My heart soared, only to hear my sister’s voice again, and shatter with disappointment.

After I hung up and my phone rang a third time my heart stayed shattered. I answered and when Katharine’s voice greeted my ear I was ecstatic, like a little boy at Christmas. I told the driver to turn around before I even knew if she was still at the bar.

I wasn’t planning on what happened after that, in fact I just wanted to see her again and spend time with her, hear her voice and see her smile. But now I have her in my arms and I never want to let her go.

Almost on their own, my lips trailed kisses over her face. She wiggled a little and my staff hardened at her little moans.

“Katharine.” Her name felt so natural for me to say. The taste of her still on my tongue, my lips. To hear her speak of me in her dreams with those gorgeous lips, would make me euphoric. Holding my breath I listened closer to her sleepy mumbles.

“Eric…” She whispered in her sleep.

Eric? Who the fuck is Eric? It’s meant to be my name that she whispers after being with me! Was she really thinking of me when we made love, or this fucking Eric? Was it really my name she cried as I brought her over the edge? Or was she screaming Eric but because I wanted it to be me so bad that I heard what I wanted? Fuck! I can’t take this!

Gently I untangle myself from our embrace. Whimpering sounds come from her mouth the moment I am no longer touching her… my heart ached for her, but it wasn’t me her heart was aching for.

Fucking Eric!

I grab my shit from the floor and dress quickly. I pull out a $100 and slap it onto the bench along with her purse and the hotel keys. I know it shouldn’t hurt this much. After all I barely know her and I don’t believe in fucking love.

I pull out a pen and some paper to leave a note.

Morning Katharine,

I have paid for the room and room service for you for today. Here is some money for a taxi to get you home. I had fun and I hope you did too. Thanks for the fuck.


It hurt writing the note because it wasn’t what I wanted to say. I wanted to tell her I loved spending time with her and feeling her body pushed against mine. I wanted to tell her I loved her eyes, her hair, her smile and her voice. I wanted to say I loved how she listened to me and how down to earth she was. I wanted to tell her… I wanted to say… I wanted to tell her I loved her!

Shit! Where the hell did that come from? I’m so fucking confused! Fuck.

I need to leave. Now. I’ve never been like this before. Never.

Quickly I leave and shut the door behind me. I call a taxi and wait outside.

Do I really love her? Is it possible after such a short time? And even if I did and it was, she doesn’t love me.

Heya! What did you think of Blake? Does he love her? Will he stay significant? Questions to be answered as the book progresses! Also if you have questions please message me because I tend to answer faster. If you’re in no hurry comment!

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