Chapter 7

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Michele's Pov

Blackness its all the around me.Nothing but that.I hear people fighting...its taking me a long time to find out what they are saying something about leaving...

"No Simon i cant leave!"

"Liam its whats best maybe after we come back she'll be out of the coma."

"But Simon i want to be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes on the coma.I want to be the first person to tell her i missed her so much.I wanna be the first person to tell her that i need her and i wanna kiss her.I wanna be the only person thats here in Michele's world."

I tried to open my mouth to say something but it wouldn't felt like they where slapled together.

"Fine just....2 more days Liam..2 more days."I hear a guy,im guessing is Simon say then the door slams shut.Then someone takes my hand and stats rubbing his thumb of the side.

"Michele...i miss you come back please."

Then i opend my eyes..its so bright..


Next thing i know there are tons of people in white coats.And girls and men in hospital uniforms.

"Everyone out!"One doctor orders about 5 minutes later off everyone asking me tons of questions.All the people scurry out,but that boy Liam being the hardest to go.

"Michele im going to ask you some questions okay?"

"Yes Sir."


"Michele Marie Andrews."



" thats wrong."


"You are not 10 Michele you are 18."

"I am?!?!"

"Yes Michele,now tell me the last thing you  rember."

"Hmmm..i rember...lets see....Me and my friend Niall talking over the phone and he was singing to me but i fell off my bed."

"Mhmm...i see,when you where 10 you did fall off the bed and hit your head..maybe thats why you dont rember anything till then."

" i ever going to have my memroy back?"

"I dont know there anything i can get for you?"

"Im hungry do you think you can get my some Nondos...and a drink of Coke im thirsty."

"Yes Ma'ma we can do that."

" Niall here?"

"Yes Michele want me to go get him?"

"Yes please."

And then the doctor left.I was left with so many things going through my brain.Untill Niall im guessing walked in.He looked very fit now.He had mucles and from what im telling he probly had a 8 pack.His eyes where bright blue but red also..i guess he was crying.I glanced down at his wrist and saw many cuts..

"Michele."Niall says running over to me hugging me.

"Niall!"I yell wrapping my arms around him but my voice barly came out im guessing because of the lack of drink.

"The doctor told me about what you rember.."Niall says traling off at the end frowning.

"Yea...its weird tho...can you tell me what happend?"

"Well how much you wanna know?"

"Start from when we came back in contact."

"Well...I tried out for the XFactor a singing show and you did met Liam..but you didnt rember me.Simon...a judge put Me,Liam,Zayn,Louis,Harry in  a band together and it is called One Direction.I guess you didnt rember me i left it at that.When you and Liam started dating i was very sad but i didnt say anything.Then when we where coming out from a bulding with fans suronding us some fan threw something at you and you have been in a coma for 5 mounths...and your birthday is in 3 mounths."

"Wow,thats alot to take in."



Hey guys!Sorry i dont know how to start or end my chapters!

So Michele dosnt rember anything but when she was 10..what do you think about that.Will yuh guys give me ideas i cant think of anything & sorry for the wait </3

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