Chapter 1

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Rated R. For mature audiences I suggest 13+ as there will be sexual references, language content, violence, Abuse, medical problems, sexual content and may be triggering. Read at your own risk.{All rights reserved. © 2014. @sarahbooth9}. please keep any rude remarks to yourself. Thankyou. 

***Tia's POV***

I took a deep breath before pressing the blade deeper into my pail arm, I sighed in relief because for that one minute it was just the pain of the blade in my wrist and all the other memory's just disappeared but then the anger and disgust in myself came back and i wanted to feel it again, to forget all the names, all the hatred all the loneliness.

A small teardrop ran down my check, dripping onto the newly made cut. Taking another deep breath in I pleased the blade on my right arm again and making a deep cut. my skin broke, blood starting to form and drip down my arm, another sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

I looked down at my left arm, trying to find room. failing, I stared blankly ahead gazing into the broken mirror I saw my self "disgusting" I said to my reflection and without a second of a doubt I sliced blindly at my wrist, I let out a gasp of pain and tears sprang to my eyes. looking down at my gashed wrist I took a long sighed

why me? Why did I have to be the messed up girl? I knew I deserved it, if I didn't people wouldn't hate me. I was pathetic and that wasn't going to change, right?

I took in one last deep breath before picking up my black hand towel and pressing it onto my wrists trying to stop the bleeding, I didn't want to die, not today, even though everyone will be better off If I was gone.

I walked over to the sink leaning my weight against the sink I looked up into the cracked mirror and fell the the floor, I slowly curled in a ball gripping onto my week knees as loud sobs escaped my lips, I could here the faint yells from down stares and I drifted into a deep sleep.

***the next day***
I made my way home from school, the main bully was 'ill' today so the bullying wasn't as bad as usual.

I approached the White House and my shoulders slumped and steps became slower, "I wonder if she's past out yet" I say to myself as I cautiously walked through the door of my stepfathers large White House, "I'm back" I yelled out slamming the door behind me. "anybody here?" I yelled again taking long loose strides towards the lounge room.

The revolting smell hit me forcing me to pinch my nose, I saw my mother sprawled across the sofa. As I slowly made my way over to her a hand on my shoulder stopped me in my tracks, "Tia" his voice came out slurred and he's hand was gripping me tighter "Joey?" I questioned the male figure behind me, my voice came out a little horse, "Tia, Tia, Tia, are you nervous?" he said as his hand lowered from my shoulder getting close to my chest.
I quickly Stepped way from him trying to make my way back towards the door "you can't do anything to me" I said staring him dead in the face, trying not to show the uncertainty in my voice.
"Can't i?" He replied, a grin appearing on his face showing this crocked teeth as he slowly made his way to me.

I turned quickly around and pulled on the door handle "shit, it's locked" I mumbled to myself and glanced towards the side table checking if the key to my freedom was there.
"Looking for this?" Joey asked, his voice seemed closer towards me, I turned towards him, he was dangling the key on his index finger mocking me. "Yes, care to hand it over?" I said through gritted teeth. "you have to earn it" he replied, sending me a wink then putting the small key into his top left pocket and patting it with is hand.

I knew what he wanted to do to me. what he was going to do to me. I felt like I was going to throw up at the thought of it. a small tear trickled down my face "never" I replied, the words coming out a little more quieter than I planed, making it sound like I was saying the words more to myself than to him, but this just made his grin wider, as if this was a joke. he though it was a challenge and I wasn't one to turn down a little challenge.

figuring out my next move a small smile creeped onto my face as I took a small step toward him brushing my body against his.

My hand was sliding up and down his body then towards his pocked and his grin got even more wider, was he really that stupid? I Discreetly took the key out of his pocket and slid it under my sleeve, gently pushing him toward the wall furthest away from the front door.

The gesture I was giving him made me feel disgusted with myself but I had to do it. Pressing my body against him I pinned him to the wall, his hand creeping up my top and around my back I lent in closer to him and a mone escaped his lips, "bed?" I whispers to him and a wide smile took over his face as he nodded. "Got any alcohol for me?" My warm breath made him shiver and he nodded "I'll meet you up there" he said in his gruff voice "i'll be waiting" I replied with a wink the smile turned into a wide grin.

As he headed towards the kitchen I made a brake for it, I ran towards the
door, the key in my hand was ready to let me out of this hell. I felt his arm reach out trying to grab me, but I wasn't giving up that easily.

Slamming the door behind me I ran, hearing food steps behind me my breath quickened but I kept running, I ran towards the old church down the road, I looked behind me to see if I had lost him or not.

still looking behind to see if he was running after me I heard the sound of a car horn and I'm eyes widened in horror, like a deer in the head lights, I was the deer.

The car collided with my small body and a high pitched scream escaped me, this was the end. this was it. as I fell to the floor I could feel my lungs tightening my hearing became muffled I tried to breath one last breath but i couldn't. I blacked out.

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