Chapter 3

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I was looking up at no other than Demi Lovato.

I can't believe this, why is Demi Lovato in my hospital room, sitting on my hospital bed.. have i died? My eyebrows scrunched together looking up at my hero, i must have looked in deep thought when in reality i was just wondering I'm alive or not.

Demi looked down at me in confusion "what? have i got something on my face?" she asked while she wiped blindly at her face.

I let out another load of giggles "No i just..I mean..Im just shocked its you." i said between laughs.

i was still sitting crossed leged on the floor staring up at Demi for what seamed like forever.I feel like I'm in a dream or someones playing a sick joke on me.

Demi's voice broke me from my trail of thought "will you stop that, its kinda creeping me out".

"Sorry, just lost in thought I guess". Demi looked down at me, face full of concern and eyebrows scrunched together.

"What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours baby girl?" Demi said looking down at me, her tone had turned serious.

"Oh nothing, but why are you here?" i asked her looking up, her eyes had clouded over as if remembering something, a small tear escaped her left eye and she quickly wiped it away.

"Oh shit, i didn't mean to make you cry, Demi I'm sorry>". she looked away and back at me.

"no, no you didn't make me cry, god I'm the one who's sorry." her voice cracked and more tears sprang to her eyes.

I got up from my place on the floor and joined her on the small bed, i cautiously wrapped my arms around Demi to try and comfort her. "I have never been good at this comforting thing" I whispered into her neck.

I felt Demi's arm wrap around my body, she held onto me as if she never wanted to let go. I normally hated people touching me, I normally get all awkward and tense up but with Demi's right arm clinging on to me i felt save and i never wanted her to let go, i relaxed into her and clung tighter onto her.

Demis body was shaking and her face was drenched in her tears, i slowly wiped her cheeks with my thumb. "what happened, can you tell me? you don't have to if you don't want to I'm just good at listening so you can if you want. oh god I'm rambling on. i tend to talk too much when I'm nervous just stop me whenever you want".

i felt Demi chuckle under her breath "your nervous?"

"ha no, i mean you're not famous or anything are you?"

Demi let out another laugh "me famous, don't be silly". I rolled my eyes at her sarcastically reply. god why couldn't I be perfect like her.

"Demi?" i said, my voice just above a whisper

"Yeah baby girl?"

"Why were you crying"

Demi took in a sharp breath and her shoulders slumped. Her eyes were so apologetic, "I'm extremely sorry Tia" her voice sounded so broken, "I just, i didn't see you coming, you were running so fast, I didn't know the area and i tried to swerve to miss you but i.. i couldn't. I'm so sorry." Demi broke down into another load of tears. i started feeling so bad, god how stupid was I.

I wrapped my arms around her shaking torso soothing her to try and calm her down. i told her it was alright how no one was badly hurt and everything is going to be okay. if only i could believe the words i was saying.

"Tee, why do you have cuts on your wrist?" Demi asked inbetween sobs.

The one question i couldn't answer, i wouldn't. i don't want Demi to be another one of those people to think i was a freak, to laugh at me. I did'nt want her to rub it in my face that she was better than me, she had a better life, great family and fans and i was just a nobody with no one.

"For... for attention." i whispered, Demi's face dropped. She looked disappointed with me. But at least she didn't know the truth right? I despise people who cut for attention, people who just want someone to feel sorry for them or to get celebrities like Demi's attention.

I don't cut for that and i never have, I do it to cope. I cut to take out all the sadness and hatred I felt on my own body. i wasn't legit suicidal but i knew if i cut too deep and this went a little too out of hand i wouldn't care. no one else would, so why should i?

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