Chapter 2

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I awoke to loud bickering around me and a quiet beeping noise, I slowly opened my eyes to get blinded from bright white walls surrounding me.

As my eyes slowly adjusted to the blinding surroundings I realised I was in a room with three strangers bickering, 2 woman and a man.

I Tried to discreetly shuffle over to try and make out who or what they were talking about, it can't be that important, can it?
To be honest I'm not exactly the most discreet person in world and ended up rolling all the way of the bed and getting the attention of the three people I was spying on and a loud breath which I was keeping in escaped my mouth. 'ouch' I muttered to myself.

typical Tia move

"Oh finally, it's about time you woke up" the male doctor joked with me, I answered with the dirtiest look I was capable of making, still lying on the ground and he started laughing, tw*t.

"Stephan, stop annoying this poor girl" The blond woman flirted as she walked over to help me back onto the bed, grabbing my Wrist which hurt like a bitch, also he's like old enough to be her father, gold digger much...

"sorry sweetie he's just teasing you, I'm Hannah And this is Nicole " she gestured to the other younger woman and her facial expression hardened as she spoke to her "Nicole don't you have somewhere else to be" she spat at her.

"Erm no Hannah, unfortunately you haven't exactly told me where to be today and I was in here all yesterday looking after Tia, so I thought I was in here again today" Nicole answered in a hushed voice

I gave Nicole a small smile and she returned it when I went back to glaring at Stephan and Hannah, "where the hell am I?" I spat at them both but my Voice came out horse and I could see Hannah snigger from my fail of an attempt to sound at lease a bit intimidating.

My throat was sore and dry and my wrist were still stinging from the cuts I made... Well I don't know, how long have I been sleeping and how did I get here? I tried thinking back but everything was black till now, the last thing I remembered was walking home from school.

The whole of my body ached and i felt like i was being punched multiple times, god this hurts. Still on the floor i looked up at the three strangers looking down at me and my blood ran cold. I knew i recognized him my breath hitched at the pure memory of him and a small tear slid down my face.His eyes hardened and i knew if i said anything to give away what he did to me id be in for it.

The small girl who i knew as Nicole let at a gasp at the fact i was crying. "Oh my life, Tia your crying does it hurt. we thought your injuries would be better by now, you've had a few weeks to recover." She mumbled as she swiftly got me too my feet.

I looked up to see that Stephan and Hannah had left, we were the only people in here. it was a privet room, wait? i can't afford this. 

My steps were small and unsteady, i clutched onto Nicole's wrist as i lost my stepping. her eyes watered and a small gasp escaped her. i immediately loosened my grip and apologized "Sorry i didn't mean to hurt you." i worriedly said.

"its fine sweetie i think i just sprained my wrist" her voice cracked and the mention of wrists made me automatically glance down at my own wrists. My eyebrows scrunched together, there was a bandage on my wrist and someone had wrote something on it?  The words STAY STRONG were written across the two bandages on both my wrists.

I looked back up to see Nicole looking down at the bandages her eyebrows also scrunched together, so i can rule her out of people who did this. She looked back up at me and her eyes softened. "I think you need to meet someone". Her voice was soft but her eyes were full of worry.

"I don't need help, i don't need people to tell me I'm crazy because I'm not." my voice was loud and Strong in comparison to how was feeling, my breathing was irregular at my sudden outburst and tears were soaking my checks. whats wrong with me?

Nicole sighed still looking at me. Hell, it felt like she was looking through me. "Oh shit Tia, don't cry baby girl everything's going to be fine. i know your not crazy I'm just worried about you and i think my friend might help that's all".

I know i need help, iv known for a while but i just hate sympathy and if this person gives me it i know i wont like it. but anythings worth the pain to be normal. I took a deep breath in, "fine" i breathed out. it was like Nicole had the weight of the world lifted off her shoulder's and a content smile spread across her face.

She started skipping out the room "I'll go get her then" she said in a singsong voice as she rushed out the door and left me alone, trapped between four white walls.

I made my way to a door to the side of the room, the door was plain white. i opened it to be blinded by more white walls, don't these people know what colour is?

After my eyes adjusted to the bright light of the room again i realised i was standing in a bathroom, there was a full length mirror to the left of the room, a stand in shower to the right of the room and in the middle was a toilet and sink. it was a pretty plain layout but it wasn't covered in damp and rot like the one at the place i call 'home'.

I walked over to the large mirror and looked at myself, this sounds really strange to just look but i wasn't just looking, i was examining every part of my body. My ribs were more prominent than before and my hip bones stood out more, i had lost weight a small smile took over my features and i was happy with myself for a second until the voice saying it wasn't enough came back, telling me i was still fat.

I'v always hated what i see. I'm 100lb's and 5'9. I have long brown wavy hair that reaches my lower back and have a small amount of freckles on my face and arms. I hate myself. 

Tears stream down my face as i pulled at random areas of my body, pinching lumps of fat. God, why cant i just be perfect.

I froze as i heard a knock at the door, shit. i quickly answered with "I'll be out in a sec" but my voice cracked. Shit. Shit. Shit. i quickly wiped my tears and pulled down my top. my face was pail and hollowed out, i ran to the sink and splashed some cool water on my face and pinched my cheeks to add some colour.

I walked out of the room to see a girl about 20 sitting on the hospital bed looking behind her at the small tv which was currently playing sponge bob, it was just starting so the theme tune was playing. i held in a laugh when she started singing along.

"whooo lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOBSQUAREPANTS. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he. SPONGEBOBSQUAREPANTS. If nautical nonsense be something you wish. SPONGEBOBSQUAREPANTS. Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish. SPONGEBOBSQUAREPANTS."

Then i couldn't hold it in anymore i mean a 20 year old knows all the words to sponge bob square pants theme tune, and let out a small giggle which turned into a laughing fit in a matter of seconds causing me to double over and nearly fall on my ass trying to stand up strait again keeping in mind I'm aching all over and it hurts to talk this couldn't end good.

I ended up falling flat on my ass causing the girl on the bed to let out a choked laugh which i recognized? did i know her? i looked up to see no other than Demi Lovato staring down at me, laughing her ass off.

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