chapter 4

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Demi's POV.

I looked down. The words that just slipped out of Tia's lips hurt me more than anything. I was expecting a sob story where we'd both brake down crying in each others arms. It would make us trust each other and that would be our beginning, she would have been one step closer to being a warrior.

I wasn't hurt because she said she did it for attention, I was hurt because i knew she was lieing to me. But what was i thinking? who in there right mind would trust somebody they just met? 

"Are you mad?" her small voice was was barley audible. I quickly shook my head. I could never be mad at her, especially for doing nothing wrong. 

I reached out my hand so i could pull her in for a hug. Instead of taking my hand in hers she flinched away from it. oh my god, she thought i was going to hit her. 

Putting two and two together i realized something that should have come to my attention before. Tia was hurt and she needs me. But what i didn't know till now was i needed her too.

My hand still outstretched she looked at it for a minute with a puzzled look which covered her features until she reached out and put her hand in mine. I tugged her a bit so she would come closer too me. Her frail body went limp and tears soaked my arms as she clung so tight i thought she'd never want to let me go.

I whispered sweet nothings in her ear about how beautiful she was and how id never leave her. I heard her scoff a few times at the compliment's on her body or beauty. she was beautiful. she was so tiny and perfect.

Her soft brown hair cascade down my arms in long waves, she looked up at me with her bright green eyes and shot me a small smile. I sware, I love that look in her eyes, i could never get tired of seeing her being so happy with me.

I wonder if she looked at her mother like that, with pure happiness.

Where was her mom?

If she was mine id be right by her side refusing to leave.

Does she have a mother, a family?

All these questions were running through my mind. "Tia, wheres you family? why aren't they here? I don't know what id do if i was them and i wasn't right next to you."

I looked down at her, she was still, all the colour drained out of her face, she looked like a ghost. Another set of tears trailed down her pail face and she looked down like she was afraid to look into my eyes. she looked ashamed of something.

Tia's POV.

"Tia, wheres your family? why aren't they here?" the moment those words came out of Demi's mouth i froze, the memories came flooding back.


I'v been sitting here for three hours now, waiting for my mother to come and get me. My right cheek bone stung, blood from the deep cut on my for head dripped down, the cold wind sent a shiver down my spine and made the cut on my head sting, tears pricked my eyes. i looked down at my watch, The sky had darkened. The wind had picked up and the trees were swayed, The orange autumn leaves fell around me.

I dug around in my pocket and found my shit phone i got given for emergencies, i dialed the only contact i had, my mother.

I waited for the dial tone.I heard the seven rings before I disconnected. I rang again and she answered almost immediately. "Tia, darling. Where've you been?" her words were slurred and there was giggles in the background. 

"Mom? where are you I'v been waiting for hours for you to come get me. I'm at school" my voice came out quiet.

"Oh cant you just get someone else to get you, it's not my problem. just go stay at a friends if you've got any." I heard her obnoxious snigger clear through the phone. My breath hitched and new tears rimmed my eyes, a few escaping. the line got cut and a high pitched beeping sound replaced her laugh.

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