Things The Signs Tend To Do A Lot

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Aries: Using lots of hand motions while talking

Taurus: Wiggling eyebrows *Coughs* Virgo *coughs* 

Gemini: Taking deep breaths

Cancer: Playing with their mouth/lips

Leo: Winking

Virgo: Smirking YASSSSS OMG IT"S THE FRE*KING TRUTH!!!!!! xD Sorry mini freak out...

Libra: Blushing

Scorpio: Laughing Uncontrollably That should be me #Leo

Sagittarius: Picking at their nails

Capricorn: Absentmindedly tapping their foot

Aquarius: Looking deep in thought 

Pisces: GIGGLING. SO MUCH GIGGLING. *Moves to Leo*

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