The back of my hand hurts so bad. I've never hit anyone that hard before, I regret it though.Justin should've been the one I hit. He was supposed to defend me in this situation but instead he decided to be a little bitch about it.
I'm putting an ice pack over my hand as I'm on the phone with my mom in bed.
"So what happened?" My mom asks.
"He said a bunch of racist stuff and I handled the situation" I tell her again.
"After Justin beat his ass right?" My mom says.
"He never did anything that's why I'm so mad, like he already knows all of the racist stuff I'm called for dating him and when it's happening face to face he does nothing about it and he's been getting mad at me for not giving him attention even though I'm working and he knows it" I rant.
"This is why I didn't really want you with this boy in the first place" my mom starts.
"Maa" I whine because I know she's going to start lecturing me.
"Now you know I don't have anything against you dating white boys and everything but I have always worried about the backlash and what you'll have to deal with because he doesn't seem to understand the struggle black people have to go through, so those little racist remarks his friend made are nothing to him, I thought maybe he would stick up for you like he did the other time but maybe he just did all of that because he wasn't friends with that Hailey girl so it was easier" she starts.
"It's more genuine if he stands up against the racial slurs being made by his close friend because it shows he's willing to end a friendship to stand up for what's right. I'm not saying you need to go out and date black guys only but maybe you need to end things and be single for a while so you can figure yourself out hun and get your standards right, you're only 21 years old you have your whole life ahead of you even if it's just for a month have fun and be twenty-one years old
I just want you to be happy and know how a man should treat you. He may treat you like a queen in the beginning but when he realizes that you've fallen head over heels with him he'll think, hey I don't have to keep trying as much because I already have her heart, not all men are like this but I have a feeling Justin may have that mentality at the moment
I understand how he feels neglected but over these past two years it seems to me that you've given him lots of attention when you weren't working, you both do need to communicate but he needs to be supportive of your career and realize you're trying to be something else rather than Justin Bieber's girlfriend,you're making big moves and I don't want you to get sidetracked
I love you so much and want to see you have someone who supports you as much as you do them" she explains to me. I begin to cry and I go into the bathroom so Justin doesn't walk in on me crying.
"I love him though" I sob.
"I know you do baby but sometimes you just have to think about yourself, I'm not forcing you to do anything I'm just telling you my honest input on all of this, I really wish I could be with you right now because I know you're hurting inside having trouble picking whether or not to stay with Justin or leave so you won't have to worry about hurting his feelings"
It's almost as if she can read my mind. This is why I love my mom she gives the utmost best advice.
"I'll definitely think it over,thanks mommy I love you" I laugh because I sound like a little kid. "I love you too, call me whenever" she says.
"Alright bye" she says bye and I hang up.
I look in the mirror and my eyes are almost turning red from my tears. I wipe the tears away with a tissue.
I decide to take a warm shower just to help me feel more relaxed. Tomorrow's a new day.
Temptation.JB (bwwm) *Yet to be edited*
Фанфикtemp·ta·tion tem(p)ˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.