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When Chloe asked what about Laura, he didn't know how to respond.

He didn't know what it was about her. Michael didn't know much about anything right now. He was so unsure about a lot. There was no way he could seem to put thoughts together about Laura.

"I think it's just... Fuck, I don't know." He mutters.

"I know you think she's cute, or pretty, or hot, or whatever." She says, looking up at him.

"Can I say all of the above?" He replies.

"I mean, I think she's pretty cute too. You should really try talking to her more. I was really happy when you started to spend lunch with her." Chloe smiles, nudging Michael with her elbow.

"She's just... I don't know. Does she not intrigue you?  Like, I kinda just wanna sit and talk with her for hours. Or like, just listen to her talk. Whatever works for her. Chloe... I need help. What's wrong with me?" He asks.

"Michael, it's this thing called feelings. You have feelings for her, no matter how much you deny it."

He sighs, kicking at the ground as he walks, "But I barely know her."

"That doesn't matter. I really think you should talk to her. She seems like she really likes you too. Michael, I want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

"And you'll be even happier with her. I- I kinda..." She starts, not finishing her sentence.

"What? What did you do, C?" Michael quickly asks, as he was so worried. Chloe isn't scared of anything.

"I've just talked to her about you before, that's all." She mumbles, quickly entering Michael's house.

Michael couldn't yell at her asking her why or what was said, because his mom was there. He'd have to wait until Chloe and his mom were done.

"Kare Bear!" Chloe exclaims, rushing to hug Michael's mother.

Chloe has always called Karen that, ever since they were little. They both loved it, sometimes Michael would get annoyed with it.

"Chloe, sweetheart! I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Michael doesn't like hanging out with his friends anymore." Chloe pouts, and the two of them both state at Michael.

"What? I'm a busy guy." Michael replies.

"Honey, you're always in your room listening to music or playing video games." Karen says, making Chloe giggle.

Michael rolls his eyes, "I don't appreciate this. Chloe, come on."

Chloe laughs, "Alright, let's go."

Michael follows Chloe up to his room, and she curls up in his bed.

"Cuddle. Right now." She mumbles, reaching up at Michael.

He nods, cuddling in with her.


"Hmm?" Michael hums, closing his eyes.

"Will you promise to talk to Laura at school?" She quietly asks.

"Yeah. I will. I promise." He replies before yawning.

He didn't get much sleep last night, he was playing video games. All he wanted to do right now was nap.

"Go to sleep. I'll still be here to bug you when you wake up." She quietly giggles, quickly kissing his cheek.

Michael just faintly smiles, already pretty much asleep.


hiii!!! I took way too long to update I'm sorry

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