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When Laura wakes up, she's confused. She knows this definitely isn't her bed. As she looks next to her and sees Michael, she gasps, quickly sitting up.

"What? What's going on?" Michael groggily questions.

"I slept here. Oh my god, I'm dead. I'm so dead." Laura mutters to herself.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Michael, I slept here! I'm going to be killed. Fuck." She mumbles, "I have to go."

"Laura, wait a second, I can drive you home." Michael says, yawning as he sits up.

"No! Sorry, thank you, but you can't. Thank you for having me, thank you for the gift, you're the greatest. I'll call you as soon as I can." She says, picking up the gift and grabbing her sweater.

"O-okay." Michael says, just before she quickly pecks his lips.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She says, standing in his bedroom doorway.

"No, it's okay. Call me when you can, alright?" Michael says, and as soon as he does she's rushing out.

As soon as she's gone, Michael grabs his phone to text Chloe about what just happened, and stress about how he must've done something wrong.


Laura quietly steps inside, and when she thinks she's in the clear, her mom is standing in Laura's bedroom doorway.

"Mom, I can explain. I'm so sorry." Laura quickly says,

"In your room, now." She demands, and Laura follows.

"Mom, I swear on my life, I accidentally fell asleep there. We were watching Dirty Dancing and it was late and I fell asleep. I feel awful about it, mom. I know I'm dead. I know Kevin is going to yell at me. I'm sorry." She says, quickly trying to defend herself.

"Well, you're lucky Kevin doesn't know you didn't come home last night." Her mother replies, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Really? Oh my god, thank god." Laura mutters.

"This can't keep happening, Laura." Her mother warns, as Laura puts down her purse and taking off her sweater. 

Laura sighs, somewhat frustrated, "I know, mom. I'm sorry." 

"Can we talk?" Her mom says, sitting on the edge of Laura's bed.

Laura sits next to her, "Uh, okay..."

"I want to talk with you about Michael. He seems very sweet, I just want you to be careful, okay? At the end of the summer you'll probably be in different parts of the country and I don't want you to get hurt. I just hope you guys take things slow."

"Okay, mom. I don't really want to talk about this." Laura tells her.

"I just don't want you making a mistake." She weakly smiles, tucking Laura's hair behind her ear.

"I know. I won't. Michael and I will be okay." Laura smiles.

Laura's phone goes off, and she quickly checks the message.

From: Michael
To: Laura
we're all meeting up at Calum's, if you aren't dead I'd love for you to join

She chuckles, looking back up at her mom, "Michael just texted me asking if I'm able to go out, is that okay? Or am I in trouble?"

Her mom sighs, "Laura, go ahead, you're not in trouble. This time."

Laura thanks her mom and quickly gets changed after she leaves the room.

It doesn't take her long to reach Calum's, she gets there just as Michael and Chloe are.

"Laura, it is so cold hurry up!" Luke complains, making Laura rush to their usual spot in the garage.

They all get in and find a place to sit, but before Laura can sit, Michael is pulling her onto his lap.

"Holy shit, Laura. What the fuck, Michael." Calum says, poking Michael's neck.

"Stop..." Laura whines, dragging out the word as she hides her face in Michael's chest.

"No, it's impressive. Own that shit." Calum laughs, sitting next to Michael.

"Oh my god, nice one." Chloe adds, looking over at them.

Laura looks up at Michael, "Michael, did your mom see it? She hates me, doesn't she."

"No, she hasn't seen it, and she probably won't. I'll make sure of it." Michael chuckles, kissing her cheek.

"Oh, Laura! Chloe and I are going prom dress shopping tomorrow. We're hoping you'd join us." Jada says.

"Well, uh, I'm still not sure about prom?" She replies, her statement coming out more as a question.

The whole group shouts 'what' at her, and she shrugs.

"Babe, are you serious?" Michael questions.

"Well, it's expensive and I mean, I haven't been asked..." She smirks, glancing up at her boyfriend, earning a reaction from their friends.

"Laura, trust me, I get it. I haven't been asked either."

"Oh shut up, you have boyfriends you have dates." Ashton says.

"They still have to ask us!" Jada exclaims.

"Hey, Jada. Wanna go to prom with me?" Luke asks, barely understandable with his mouth full of popcorn.

"Romantic." Jada mutters, rolling her eyes.

"You better do better than that." Laura whispers in Michael's ear before smirking.

"Alright, movie time! What's on schedule for today?" Calum asks, changing the topic.

"Dazed and Confused, Hot Rod, and, 10 Things I Hate About You." Chloe states, reading off their list of movies to watch.

Calum chuckles, "Okay, let's get started."


I very highly recommend every movie mentioned in this chapter please watch all of them

thanks for reading I'm pretty sure nobody enjoys this due to lack of comments/votes and almost reads now do I want to keep writing this who knows anyways I'm gonna go I have the next five chapters written already so see u soon

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