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The group couldn't help but smile, though part of each of them felt sadness. They were all together, but it was so bittersweet. High school was ending. Yes, they still had the summer, but then that was it.

As they each stood outside the school in their cap and gown taking pictures, they tried their best to hold it together.

"I love you guys so much. This is our last day in high school together." Chloe smiles, looking at all her friends.

Michael held onto Laura the entire time. He started to realize that his time with her really was numbered. So he ended up becoming pretty clingy.

"Babe, are you okay?" Laura asks, looking up at her boyfriend, resting her hands on his cheeks.

He forces a smile, "Yeah. I just thought I'd always be so happy to get out of this literal hell. But it kinda sucks, because I love my friends, and I love you so much."

"I love you, Michael. I'm so in love with you." Laura chokes out, starting to realize that it's summer, and she moves in a couple months.

"Hey, you two, stop being gross! We need Laura for a girls picture!" Chloe calls, reaching out to grab Laura.

Laura nods, but quickly kisses Michael before walking over to the girls.

Michael walks over to his mom, and Laura's brother, Ty.

"Hey, Michael!" Ty greets him, looking up at Michael.

"Hey, bud! Can we take some pictures?" Michael asks. He felt bad that Ty was just standing there, but also he really loved Ty.

"Yeah!" Ty smiles.

"Mom, can you-"

"Of course." She replies, waiting for Michael and Ty to be ready for a picture.

Michael saw Laura looking over at the two of them, and she looked so happy to see Ty and Michael together.

They take their pictures together, Michael was so happy to have Ty there.

"Thanks, mom." Michael says, laughing at everything Ty was saying during the pictures.

"You're so good with him. It's adorable." She smiles up at her son.

"He's such a good kid, I know none of us were like that at his age." Michael replies, laughing at the thought of any of his friends being as behaved and polite as Tyler is.

"Hey, guys! We're going in now!" Luke calls, appearing out of nowhere.

"My mom and Kevin aren't here yet. Ty can sit with your mom, right?" Laura rushes, grabbing onto Michael's arm.

"Of course, Laur. She loves him so much." Michael chuckles.

Ty has spent quite a bit of time at Michael's house. When Laura was watching Ty at times she'd bring him over to his house. Or even when Laura and Ty didn't necessarily want to be at their home. Michael's place became somewhat of a safe space for them over the past few months, and Michael was happy to help.

Laura sighs, "Thanks. You two do so much for him."

"It's nothing, Laur. I've told you a million times he's a great kid." Michael tells her, grabbing her hand before they walk in with their friends.

She smiles, "Thank you so much, for everything."


After the ceremony was over the group were all with their families. Even Laura, they showed up a couple minutes into the ceremony, though Ty stayed with Michael's mom the whole time.

Their families were all going out to a dinner together, organized by the group. They've always gotten along so well, they figured it'd be great to celebrate with their friends and family all at once.

Laura's mom and Kevin weren't going though. She felt like somewhat embarrassed. Everybody else's families were going. Ty was going to come, she was glad about that. Everybody all had their siblings and parents, or just their parents that were still around, at least. 

Laura and Ty were driving there with Michael and his mom. They were all singing song to another one of Michael's playlists, so happy about everything. They were all so proud.

When they got to the restaurant, Ty sat between Laura and Michael. Ty was so happy to be included with the group. Both Michael and Laura couldn't stop smiling at him, they thought it was so precious that just his seat at a table could make him so happy.

"Tyler, we haven't met yet, it's nice to meet you." Ashton smiles, patting Ty's shoulder as he stands over him before going to sit in his own chair.

"Ty, bud, who haven't you met yet?" Laura asks him, since during pictures Ty just hung back with Laura, and she's only sure he's met Chloe.

"I met Chloe. She's really pretty. Now Ashton. Nobody else though." He replies.

"I'm so sorry, Ty. Hey, guys, this is my brother, Tyler." Laura announces to her friends.

Everybody introduces themselves, starting conversations with Tyler. Laura couldn't stop smiling, normally a group of teenagers wouldn't be so accepting of a kid hanging out with them.

Michael couldn't stop smiling as well, as he stared at how happy Laura was. Even though today didn't go completely as she planned she was in such a great mood. Michael thought it was so sweet.

They all enjoyed their time together. Speaking with their friends and family, being so happy together.


Michael and Laura had dropped off Ty, and Michael's mom, before just going on a drive together.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Laura asks, as Michael continues to drive.

He pauses for a moment, his head cocking to the side, a little confused, "I guess, sometimes. But especially not at this point in my life."

"I think about it a lot. Like, a lot." She mumbles in response.

"Hey, are you okay?" Michael questions, reaching a hand out to hold hers.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm good." Laura replies, forcing her best fake smile.

Michael quickly looks over at her, frowning, "Laur, you sure?"

She nods, "Michael, I'm good, don't worry about me."

Michael pulled up back at his house, he looked to Laura again.

"What?" She asks, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"It's nothing, I love you."

"I love you too."


so not many people are still reading and commenting I'll probably be doing a bunch of time skips to get closer to the end but idk lol

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