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Reader x Andy


Reader's POV:

Stupid. He was so stupid! Putting me through all this, how dare he! But I was so happy when I stopped him in that airport, I was happy when after that he spun me around and just grinned at me. Those blue eyes sparkling like they always have been. I buried my face in his chest and I could hear the faint gagging sounds Kellin was making in the background. I turned my head around and stuck my tongue out at him,

"Go text Vic and be happy somewhere else, even better, go text YOUR girl!" I teased.

I looked up at Andy and asked him, "So are you still gonna go or are you gonna stay here with me for a while?"

"I think I'll stay a bit and then you can come with, how does that sound?"

"Perfect!" I smiled.


A few months passed after that and Andy and the band were helping me pack my stuff, I was actually going to move in with Andy at his little apartment! Saying I was excited was an understatement really. It was so nice to see everyone, CC and Ashley bothering each other and Jake and Jinxx wondering why they got pulled into this! I grinned at them as I handed them some actually rather heavy boxes and they sighed as they went to put it in the car. I mean hey, there's five guys here why should I have to work, I did all the packing! When we first started to get my things there was some slight drama with my family, but with some ignoring and them going into another room we thankfully didn't have to put up with much from them. That's a relief heh.

"Oi, (Y/n), this is a nice shirt." Ashley said to me, smirking as he held up the shirt Andy gave me the first time I saw him. I blushed and ran over to snatch it out of his hands.

"You ass! Don't touch that, for one it's embarrassing! What if he saw this oh god he'd know I still had it..." I trailed off as I stuffed the shirt into an almost full box and shoved it at him.

"Make yourself useful and put this up! Hurry!" I was trying to calm down my face when Andy entered the room again and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do I want to know?" He asked me.

"Nooope!" I said as I was already shoving some more things into boxes, trying to ignore what just happened. I saw him shrug in the corner of my eyes and he picked up some more boxes to load them up. As I glanced around the room I felt my future getting brighter and I couldn't help the giddy feeling that rose within my stomach and the smile that slowly spread across my face. Everything actually felt like it was going to be alright. I thought about how I faced my Ex and how I overcame my recent trip to the hospital. Let's not forget Andy coming here to get me himself. As I tapped the last box shut I looked around my now empty room and the rush of all the good and bad memories hit me.

"(Y/n)! Get down here slowpoke we don't have all day!" Jinxx yelled up the stairs at me.

"Ah! Coming!"

I took one last look and closed the door to my room and headed downstairs to where my new family awaited me.

Yeah, I had a feeling things were going to be just fine.

(A/n: Here's a semi-short epilogue to go with this story. I know it's not long but it's something. I didn't really know where I was going with this but I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you guys are as well. I genuinely hope you enjoyed reading this story and I thank everyone who has read it. It was fun to write and now...it's sad to say it's done. Thanks guys.)

Reader x Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now