Surprise, Warped Tour

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A/n: O-Kay people! So I'm going to start a new Fanfiction really early, because I like to do them... And this one is a little out there but I've been wanting to do it. So here it is! And I might make them possibly 2,000 words a chapter.)

(NOTICE: I really like Juliet so if I may make her an 'evil' character forgive me?)

Reader x Andy Biersack

Reader's POV:

The school day was just beginning and for me, it was a dreaded A-day. I sighed as I slowly made my way up the stone steps to the hellhole I call (Insert School Here). First period wasn't so bad, I usually just sat in the back and listened to my music, after all it was only Speech Arts. Certain times I would be forced to speak but I refused, even if I did speak I would get made fun of or names would be thrown at me.

"(Y/n)! Are you listening?"

My head snapped up and I jerked my headphones out.

"No... uh... sorry what did you say?"

"I said that it's your turn to speak for a minute, now get up there and no objections!'

I growled under my breath as I heard slight snickers coming from the right of me. Who was it you ask? Sadly, it was one of the many 'Barbies' of the school, (Insert name Here). I glared at her as I got up from my seat and headed toward the front of the room.

"Your topic is 'greatest fear', you may speak."

I inhaled deeply and looked at my fellow classmates, half were asleep and the other half basically hated me. I gently sat on the stool provided for me and began. "I don't have a fear. That's it, plain and simple. Most people are scared of spiders, for me, in fact, I don't." The Barbie looked at me with a scowl on her face all while I was talking. It made me uncomfortable and when I got up from the stool I was met with more harsh words.




And the one that impacted me the most,


The tears threatened to drop from my eyes but I refused to let them, I wouldn't let them have the satisfaction of me crying. I truly hated this place.

After the period was over, I went to my locker only to be face to face with the head jock and his girlfriend, my sister. She looked down upon me always because I was a smudge on her perfect image for the school. Head Cheerleader, AB honor roll, all of that good stuff. I was the 'bad child' according to my parents. As I approached them they moved out of the way and I got my US History book. "(Y/n)! Wait up!" I heard her call for me so I turned to face her. The makeup she wore was visible from a mile away and her perfume could stink up a whole entire room. My nose scrunched at the smell. "When you get home, mother and father said they had a surprise for you. I don't see why they do for someone such as you, but I won't question them. You know what that means? It means to come straight home after school. Got that?"

I nodded and began to walk away from her, 'A surprise? For me?' Was all I thought and truthfully, I was scared at the thought. Walking into my second period I still sat in the back and beside me was a semi-tall boy with curly black hair. The story behind him everyone knew... he was stabbed. The person responsible... was my former best friend. My insides churned at the thought of her and me again. The sad thing was, the guy beside me... I wanted to be friends with! He seemed so misunderstood but I never talked to him, I was afraid he was going to be like everyone else and make fun of me. As I pulled out my composition book for notes, I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was him. A blush slowly crept upon my cheeks and I stammered a bit. "Hey, do you have a pencil?"

Reader x Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now