Stressed, Depressed and a Text?

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(A/n: This is a semi-filler chapter, but don't worry hopefully the next will be more entertaining. And also a warning: some parts in this story may be trigger to some. Please read at your own risk. And (S/n) means 'sister's name'.)

Reader x Andy Biersack

Chapter four:

Reader's POV:

Thoughts were clouding my mind and my face was hot. I honestly though all of this was just some dream. I pinched myself then and I was happy I felt a twinge of pain on my arm.

Walking around, I finally found the front gates and frantically looked for the black car my sister had. As I was looking my phone vibrated and my face went white.

"If you don't hurry your ass up we are going to have problems. I'm near the entrance. -mom"

Just as I read the text she honked her horn and I walked to the car, almost jogging. Why was she mad at me, I didn't even do anything! When I approached the car I hurled myself into the passenger seat and stayed quiet, ready for my lecture. It never came, so I asked the questions.

"Why didn't (S/n) pick me up?" I asked her, my voice a whisper almost. She didn't answer and I moved uncomfortably in the seat, looking down at the floorboards. I didn't know what I did, but I knew I was going to get an earful when I got home. I kept fiddling with Andy's shirt the whole ride there, it calmed me down somewhat believe it or not.


As I walked through the door I saw my dad sitting on the recliner, drunk as usual.

"Sit." My mother commanded.

As I did what she told me I felt a sting across my cheek. I covered my mouth to try not to make any noises, but I was still processing what happened. Trembling, I looked at my mother who held up none other than my hidden razor I kept.

"What is this!!" She demanded, pulling back her hand to strike me again. I didn't speak I just looked astonished on how she found that. Then another sting.

"Answer me!"

My eyes were starting to water and I knew I was going to cry soon.

"'s a blade."

"For what! Cutting yourself!"

I didn't speak or nod... Only because I knew what was coming now. This was the part where she would steer off the subject and rant about how I'm such a horrid child. It hurt being called a mistake so many times in my life, it hurt always getting compared to the angelic sister.

"Fine then... Don't answer me."

She threw the razor back at me, I flinched as I was careful not to get cut by the sharp blade.

"Go ahead and do it! You deserve it for giving me a bad name and for even being born!"

She was screeching at me by this time and I ran to my room, locking the door behind me. Her words still fresh in my mind...'I deserve it'... 'I shouldn't have been born'. My fingers were trembling as I held the tiny escape. By now the tears came full force and I locked myself in the bathroom, slowly curling up on the floor. It wasn't long after that tears mixed with blood and a slight relief came. The waves of pain washed over me as I dabbed a wet rag over my arm, to clean off the dried blood.


By the time I even got out of the bathroom is was around midnight. As I walked towards my bed something caught my eye... Andy's shirt. The tears fell down my cheeks again, all the thoughts of today were just painful.

"I've failed them... Andy, Kellin, god just everyone!" I mumbled kinda loudly. The thought of Kellin reminded me that I should've texted him... I just couldn't do it now due to my emotional state. Glancing around my room I sighed deeply. My eyes became droopy and I knew I needed to go to bed, it was a good thing it was Sunday tomorrow. Slipping into my pajamas, which ironically included Andy's shirt. I crawled under the black fluffy sheets and that's all I remember before going to sleep.


The sunlight is what woke me up today, and I really didn't want to get up. I looked at my clock and it was close to noon. Today was a day where I just didn't get up. I felt numb from last night and I just couldn't do it today. Taking out my phone, I decided to text Kellin, I doubt he remembered who I was.

'Hai Kellin! It's (Y/n) from Warped Tour yesterday :P'

I sighed and turned over, but then it beeped.

'Bout' time you texted me! I was getting bored!'

I chuckled lightly and shook my head, was he always this hyper? Before I could reply another text popped up. But this time it was from someone different, Andy. My eyes widened as I forgot he put his number in my phone. I mentally face palmed myself as I cautiously swiped to read the text.

From Andy:
Hey, hope you're not doing anything exciting.

I raised an eyebrow, what the hell was he talking about. I'm laying in bed all curled up, of course I'm not busy.

To Andy:
If you count laying in bed busy, then yes. Yes I am.

Honestly, I tried to go back to sleep but with Kellin and Andy texting me I couldn't even close my eyes. Weren't they on Warped Tour?! Why aren't they busy! I pulled the covers closer to my face and I eventually pulled it over my head, I knew I wasn't going to get outta bed today. I didn't have anything to do anyway, so why not? Just as I was closing my eyes for the tenth time, my phone screen lit up and I groaned.

From Andy:
Haha. Very funny. Anyways we don't play today so mind if I steal you away from your oh-so-busy day?

This time I shot straight up in my bed and my heart was beating heavily. I want to say for about five straight minutes I was debating on what I should say. I wanted to say yes, hell who wouldn't, but with what happened last night I don't think my mother would let me.

To Andy:
I would like to, but I'm not sure my mother would let me. Sorry Andy :(

My stomach turned cold and I hugged my knees to my chest, seeking some kind of comfort. My nose tingled again and I didn't want to cry anymore, I was sick of the tears.

No text back from any of them and that hurt even more. As I started to cry someone knocked on my door. Without warning it opened and my face heated up along with my throat going dry.
There he stood... Andy Biersack.

Reader x Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now