You spin me right round Baby.

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Reader X Andy

Chapter Eight

Andy's POV:

It was about 10:00 at night when she fell asleep on the couch but me and all the guys were still up. Currently a movie was playing on the Tv we had but I wasn't interested in it at all. I was only staring at her arm, the sleeves slightly exposing it. I didn't state any longer there, it would only make me confused and upset. My eyes wandered over her figure and to where her lips were parted slightly, strands of her hair covering her face. I quickly snapped out of it and tried to glue my eyes to the TV just so the guys wouldn't catch me staring.

Before I knew it I was the only one up, everyone else was in the bunks asleep, I smiled to myself. As I got up I looked over at (Y/n) again and I sighed slightly. Picking up her limp figure i walked over to my bunk and placed her there gently. The oversized shirt I gave her went up a little exposing some of her legs and I couldn't help but blush a bright red and quickly cover her up with the fluffy black blanket I had. I looked at her one more time and I couldn't resist, I leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight." I said, before walking out to the couch.


I awoke to someone shaking me lightly and I slightly opened my eyes to see it was Jinxx.

"Dude, get up. Like now."

I tried to swat him away but it wasn't working, I just decided to ignore him and go back to sleep.

"(Y/n)'s gone."

That simple sentence made me spring upright and I looked at Jinxx.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

He shrugged.

"She may have went to school?"

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed heavily, this girl was a handful.

My phone beeped and I glanced at it only to see it was Kellin.

From Kellin:

She's with me, don't get your knickers in a twist Romeo.

Relief washed over me as i informed Jinxx what happened. This meant I could go back to sleep, hell yeah!

My eyes shot open when I realized that we had to leave today to go to the next stop on Warped Tour, I felt a pang in my chest when I realized that I would have to leave her here. My thoughts clouded my mind until the door opened revealing Kellin and (Y/n) looking quite happy. I sat up and I saw her face redden, what was she blushing ab- Ah, yeah I don't have a shirt on nevermind. She looked away and Kellin laughed at her and then looked at me.

"Sorry dude, we went and talked to her mom for a second."

My eyebrow raised.


I saw Kellin smirk and gesture towards a black bag behind him.

"She's staying."

"Wh-what?! With who!"

"C-clam down Andy!" I heard her say, still looking away from me, "I went with Kellin this morning and he took me to my house and yeah. Mother said I could stay with him."

Kellin looked down and I could tell that it wasn't the whole story, but she was staying with him so I guess that's cool. I nodded and got up from the couch, stretching slightly. And idea popped into my head and while she was still looking away I picked her up and threw her over my shoulders. She gasped and retaliated quickly.

"Dammit Biersack put me down!"

Her fist beat into my back and I'll admit it hurt a bit but I was enjoying myself way to much. I spun around in circles and her shrieks filled the room.

All the guys gathered around and chanted, "Faster! Spin Faster!"

I laughed until her legs kicked me in the gut and I fell back, with her right ontop of me. The bus went quiet and our eyes locked. I could feel the heat upon my face and I saw hers heat up as well.

"Oooo get it Andy!" Ashley yelled followed by laughter from the guys. She quickly reacted and got up off of me.

Reader's POV:

He just kept spinning and spinning and I was getting really dizzy by the second. I tried to hit his back but my efforts weren't that good. The room around me was a blur of colors and that's when I got the idea to kick him in the stomach. I didn't want to but I did anyways. As soon as I did it i knocked him down with me following right behind him. His oceanic eyes locked onto mine and I blushed madly. They were so hypnotizing to me and I had a feeling to just kiss him right then and there. Pushing that thought away, my hands felt his warm skin and the toned muscles. Oh dear god...

After hearing Ashley's remark I practically jumped off of him and my eyes kept on the ground.

'Oh god... Oh god... Keep calm just don't think about it.'

I muttered an excuse to leave the bus and damn did I. After I left I ran to the cement wall again. I couldn't control myself and I just let the tears flow. Why I don't know. I wanted to relapse but I couldn't, I just couldn't do it. Wiping them away, I regained my composure and walked back to the bus.

When I entered Andy thankfully had a shirt on and Kellin was messing with him as usual. I felt an anime sweat drop form at the sight.

"So she's staying on your bus?" I heard Jake ask.

"Yeah, we have room, and plus it's not fair if y'all always get to keep her!" Kellin retorted. That's when he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me over to the couch, right next to Andy.

'Well... Shit.' I thought. I tried not to pay much attention to him but I felt his eyes burn a hole into my head. I looked up and he quickly averted my eyes. All while we were there me and Him didn't talk and it seemed Kellin noticed.

"Too awkward for you and Romeo?" He whispered into my ear. I blushed and tried not to yell at him.

"M-maybe a little."

He chuckled and grabbed my upper arm, receiving a glare from Andy.

"We're gonna be leaving! Bye everyone. Andy." Kellin shot him a I-got-you-girl look which was countered with a harsh glare and was that a growl I heard? I shyly waved and me and Kellin headed out the bus.

Reader x Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now