12-Stressing out

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4 weeks later
Elena's POV
"Ooh what about this one?" She presents yet another wedding dress for me to see.
"Um, it's a bit too sparkly I think Care," I say cautiously. She puts it back before showing me another one, I also disagree with that one. "Ugh. This is useless, I'm never going to find the right dress." I huff and sit down on the chaise long. There is literally two weeks until this wedding and we have everything else sorted but my dress. Caroline swiftly follows me and sits down. "Hey, you will find it, a lot of women don't always find their dress instantly. It takes time," she places her hand on my knee. "But I can tell that's not the only thing bothering you." I turn to her, and her face is practically pleading me to talk to her. I take in a deep breath and before I know it, I'm blurting everything out.
"I'm scared. I don't even know if I'll be a good mother, I don't want to disappoint anyone." I feel a few tears flow down my cheeks. I'm ecstatic to be marrying Stefan but I can't help but worry about whether or not I'll be a good mother.
"Hey, where has all of this come from?" She pulls me into a hug. "Elena, you're the most maternal person I've ever met and none of us have ever doubted you as a mother. But with that said, nobody wants you to feel pressured by it all. Everyone parents in their own way, and it just happens that we know you'll be a great mum. Have you spoken to Stefan about this at all?" She pulls out of the hug for the last part, and I shyly shake my head as an answer. Honestly, I've been too scared to tell him, I don't want to panic him or freak him out.
"Maybe it's time that you tell him," she suggests.
"I guess you're right, I'll talk to him at some point today," I say. I receive a smile from her. "You never know, maybe he's in the same boat as you." I nod, accepting the advice from her, even though it hasn't made me feel less scared about telling Stefan.
"But what about marriage? Are you scared about that at all?" She asks and I think for a second.
"Not really, if anything I'm so ready to get married. I've been with Stefan for six years now and I feel that this is the perfect time." She seems happier by my reply, which seems to make me feel better. We get up to resume our searching, and I think about how there would be a bigger range of dresses if I wasn't pregnant. That would mean more time, more stressing and much more shopping, all the reasons why I'm glad we're looking at maternity dresses.
"Oh my god Care, look at this one!" I pull one out which I love, hoping that she loves it too. A smile appears on her face as she quickly makes her way over to me. "Ooh I love it! You need to try that one on, it's gorgeous!" She squeals and I have to cover my ears from her high pitch squealing.
I take it into the changing room and try it on, surprisingly with little hassle. I love it, the dress has a sweetheart neckline with gorgeous detailing on the top. The dress hugs my figure until my waist, where the skirt starts to flare out a little. The dress fits nicely and comfortably over my small bump, which is good, and is overall very well fitting.
I pull back the curtain and step out to see what Caroline thinks.
"Wow, you look stunning Elena." She says with her hands covering her mouth as she gasps. She gestures me to twirl so I do, and she examines the dress.
"How do you feel in it?" She asks as she looks at the detailing on the top part of the dress.
"Very comfortable, surprisingly." We both laugh before I examine the dress myself.
"I think this one could be the one, this one by far beats the other dresses I've tried on." I say, relief filling my body due to finally finding my dress. Caroline smiles and claps, she looks as if she'll explode with excitement.
"This is so exciting! You've found your dress," she says.
"Thank you for coming with me, I have no idea what I would've done without you."
"Of course no problem! I've had fun." She says before I go into the cubicle to take the dress off. It may be comfortable but it is heavy.
Once the dress is off, I zip it back into the protective cover and carry it out to Caroline.
"Okay, so my dress is done. We've got the suits and the bridesmaid dresses. Are we missing any other clothes?" I ask.
"I don't think so, the clothes are done as well as table settings, location, cake, flowers..." She trails off as she counts more items with her fingers. I sigh with relief as she lists everything that's done.
"That's good, I'm glad everything's done now." She sighs with me before placing her hand on my shoulder.
"You can breathe now, everything's set," she says.
I drive the both of us back to mine and honestly, I'm just so happy to sit down and relax.
"Hey, how was shopping?" He asks as I enter the living room with Caroline. I'm happy and relieved just to see his face again.
"It was good. I got my dress and now everything's done," I say cheerfully, since now I don't have to stress about getting it done.
"So are you feeling a little less stressed now?" He asks as I sit down next to him, placing my head on his shoulder. He runs his fingers down my hair and I smile at his touch; I nod sleepily at his question.
"I think shopping wore her out," Caroline laughs and I hear Stefan faintly laugh as well.
"I'm just relieved that everything's done," I say with a sigh.
"You can relax now, all you have to do is show up on the day and you'll have yourself a wedding!" I laugh at her comment and I hear Stefan laugh as well.
"Oh and plus, your bachelorette party is this Saturday at Bonnie's," she adds with a sly smirk.
I give her a suspicious look. "What are you up to?"
She smiles, "you'll have to wait and see."
I laugh jokingly at my friend, knowing that whatever they have planned for it, I'm going to absolutely love it.

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