24- Recovery

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A week later
Elena's POV

I hate being in hospital, and I hate feeling useless and weak more. I really want to see Layla and it sucks to know that I can't because I'm in a high risk ward. Layla's still prone to infections since she's still young, which is the reason why I can't see her.
Bonnie and Caroline have been over quite a lot to see me, it's been nice to catch up with them and find out what's going on with them. It broke my heart when Bonnie burst into tears at the sight of me, I guess I don't exactly resemble a picture of health right now.
I've been getting messages from friends and family wishing me to get better and hoping that I'm okay. I haven't replied to everyone since every time I go to reply I never know what to say. I can't say that I'm fine because honestly, am I? I want to be, but the reality of the situation is that it's going to take time to heal, both physically and mentally. I feel physically stronger, I can walk a little and pick heavier things up: an improvement from a few days ago.
Having Stefan with me everyday has really helped with my recovery, it's been nice to spend hours upon end just simply talking and being with him. It reminds me of when we first started dating, we used to stay up all night just talking to one another.

Stefan's POV

I make my way into the hospital, swerving around the corners all the way to the ICU Ward, which holds Elena. I silently walk into her room and smile softly at her sleeping figure.
I'm so unbelievably grateful that Elena's okay and is recovering healthily. I don't ever want to risk losing her again, this whole family can't cope without her. She's the reason I wake up with a smile on my face, she's the light of my life, she makes me forget the bad. She's been the most important part of my life for the last 7 years. She's the mother of our child, she's my best friend, she's my wife.
"Stefan, are you okay?" I look down to see my beautiful wife, eyes open, smiling at me whilst her head lays on her pillow. I nod my head.
"How are you? Are you okay?" I ask, not caring about myself for one second because she's more important.
"I'm fine, what were you thinking about?" Our fingers entwine with each others and I smile at the contact.
"You, and how grateful I am that you're okay and alive," I reply softly. She smiles as she weakly places her hand on my cheek.
"I would never leave you without a fight," she says.
"And I'd never give up on you," I reply back. She repositions herself slightly causing her to release a gasp of pain.
I stand up in order to help her reposition the pillow and make her comfortable.
"Thank you," she says. I gently brush the hair away from her face before kissing her forehead.
"The doctor said that my heart rate, oxygen levels and blood pressure are stable." She tells me, which I'm glad to hear.
"Good," I reply. I take a look at her charts to make sure everything's stable and at a normal level; her blood pressure is stable but it's still quite low, one of the side effects of the coma.
"Anything on there that's a cause for concern, doctor?" I look up from the chart to see her smiling face and hear her laugh, things that I've sincerely missed.
"No, everything's looking normal considering the circumstances," I smile.
"How's Layla? Is she okay?" I feel so bad for the fact that I haven't brought Layla in yet, I've been so caught up with making sure that Elena's okay. I didn't want to stress her out by bringing a baby in. Plus I can't bring her since Elena's in a high risk ward and Layla's still prone to infection.
"She's good, she misses you." I say, keeping her hand within mine.
"I wish I could see her." She sighs as she places her head back on the pillow, wincing in pain afterwards. I gently rub my thumb over her fingers, knowing that I can't take away her pain, which makes me feel so guilty.
"I know baby. I honestly would bring her in but they've advised me not to since she's still prone to infection." She nods at my explanation.
"But I did get a video of her for you, I figured you'd miss her." Her mouth curls into a smile, which I savour since I know how much pain she's in.
"You did? Can I see?" She questions and immediately I reply with a nod.
I bring my phone out and play the video I took of Layla making cute noises and every now and then, smiling.
"Aw, I miss her smile." I hear her whisper before hearing her sniffles. I bring her into a hug.
"Oh sweetie, it's okay. I know it's hard." I honestly don't know what else to say, I can imagine she's feeling very detached from Layla, which is more than understandable.
"Do you think she's forgotten about me?" Her head lifts from my shoulder as she awaits my reply.
I gently caress her cheek with my hand. "Layla will never, ever forget about you. You're her mother, and she loves you so much. We both do." She blushes at my reply.
"I love you, and I'm sorry I've caused so much trouble."
"This isn't your fault, and no matter what happens, I'm always going to be here for you." I take her hand in my own, my thumb gently gliding over her fingers.

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