27- Happy Birthday!

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2 weeks later
Elena's POV
I wake up with my head on Stefan's chest and his arm draped across my waist. I smile as I feel the soft movement of his fingers on my side, and feel his warmth radiating my body.
"Happy birthday baby." His grip around me tightens as my smile widens.
"Thank you sweetie," I reply. I lift my head up to lean and kiss his soft lips.
I hold onto the kiss for as long as possible before smiling contently at his beautifully sculpted face. "Do you know what's great about my birthday?" I aimlessly brush the tips of my fingers gently over his jaw.
"What?" He questions playfully, tilting his head to the side.
"That I'm spending another one with you." I internally laugh at how cheesy I sound, but it's true and always will be. I've learnt to appreciate the small things in life, and I intend to appreciate every waking second that I spend with Stefan.
"Well I'm honoured to spend another one of your birthdays with you."
I lean forward once more in order to kiss him again, a kiss conveying the pure love I have for him. I smile in the kiss, loving the feel of his lips against mine. We're both smiling like crazy when we draw apart.
After a further half an hour just laying in bed together, we finally get up so that I can get Layla up and dressed whilst Stefan makes breakfast.
I change her nappy and dress her in an adorable pink and white dress with white tights.
I smile at her, I still feel the same amount of joy looking at her as I did when I looked at her for the very first time. I kiss her pink cheeks and lift her off the changing table and into my arms.
I descend the stairs with her in my arms and make my way into the kitchen, knowing full-well that I'll be greeted by my husband and a plate of amazingly cooked food.
I set Layla in her high chair before taking one of her purees out of the fridge and beginning to feed her.
Shortly after, Stefan approaches with two plates and places one by me and the other one in front of the chair next to me. He places his hands on my shoulders and places a kiss on the top of my head.
He swiftly moves to sit beside me, his hand resting on my back as we both admire our daughter and the gorgeous smile she possesses.  Both of us are more than content to eat breakfast as a family.

Half an hour later

I open the door to the sight of Bonnie and Caroline, smiling proudly as they each hold a bag of presents.
Caroline's arm raises at the sight of me. "There's the birthday girl!" She shouts.
"Hey, Care." I smile and move to the side to let them in, both of them giving me a hug on their way through.
Stefan enters with Layla asleep in his arms; whilst Caroline immediately begins gushing at the sight of our sleeping daughter. To be honest, I internally gush every time I see the two of them together. He's such an amazing father to her, and I'm so grateful that Layla gets to have such an amazing father raise her.
"Is Klaus at work today, Caroline?" Stefan asks, snapping me out of my trail of thoughts.
Caroline places her's and Bonnie's bags in the corner."Yeah he is. He tried to get the day off but they were already short of staff so he had to go in. But he said he's still on for this Saturday." He nods his head in reply, before turning his attention to Layla, who's just yawned on his shoulder.
We talk for a few more minutes before Stefan decides to take Layla up for her first nap of the day. Whilst he's putting her down I make us a drink, all the while talking to Caroline and Bonnie about what's new with them.

"Happy birthday!" Both my mum and Jenna shout.
"Hey mum," I smile before hugging her. "Come on in," I say. She steps in with Jenna shortly following her.
"Hey Jenna," I smile and hug her. Once they've been hugged, they continue into the living and greet Stefan with a hug before asking about Layla and where she is.
"She's asleep at the moment," He replies.
"Ah babies and their naps, you used to have such long naps Elena, it felt like I didn't have a baby to look after."
"So that must be where Layla gets it from," Stefan says, making me laugh at the resemblance.
"What can I say? A girl needs her beauty sleep," I shrug with a smirk. "That girl has her priorities straight." I receive a few laughs at my point.
"Well, we can't deny that," Bonnie chips in.
We laugh again before sitting down on the sofa and catching up on the last week.

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