The Heart of A Hunter

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You and Dean gave each other a look before the look was replaced by a one of utter surprise when Jo pushed Dean into the wall, making him hit his head on the glass window.

"You slut!! Freaking whore!" Jo yelled at the top of her lungs as she tackled you and began punching your jaw.

"Bitch." you spat out along with blood.

"At least Im not a slutty daughter of a whore." she smirked kneeling over you only to continue punching you.

"Yeah hon sorry to break it you but im not the one that dresses like a hooker." you laughed.

"Son of a bitch!" she yelled standing up. "Take that you whore!" she yelled as she began to kick your sides. Suddenly you began coughing up blood.
"You know what Y/N!? I actually wish that I could be in your body right now!" she yelled with another stronger kick to your rib cage.

"Oh is that so? 'Fraid I don't want you in my body." you paused realizing how much you'd regret it when you were done talking, "Ya see. I don't think I wanna have five different types of STDs in me!"

"Oh honey that's not why!" she laughed, "I just wanna feel the snap and crack of your bones!" she paused as she stomped on your stomach and swung another kick, "And I wish I could see you in hell to watch the flesh sizzle off your bones! I wish I could hear you scream!!" she yelled with a kick to your gut.

"Yeah well sorry to break it to ya, but I don't think angels go to hell." you laughed as blood spilled out of your mouth and by now your nose was bleeding worse. All of a sudden Jo pulled a butterfly knife out of her pocket. She kneeled on top of you and flung it open as she traced it down your arm. You clenched your teeth and tried to be strong, but as soon as the blade was past your elbow-pit, she pushed down harder on the knife. You clenched your fists and teeth even harder but you let out a pained groan and blood shot out through your teeth as you breathed out.

"Next!" Jo laughed as she went to your next arm. "Ever since the moment you showed up you have been a pain. In. My. Ass." she said as she dug the knife deeper into your skin once more, and you began to groan quite loudly before it turned into a yell.

"Not my fault your boyfriend likes me more than you!" you spat at her laughing.

Jo started to grab your hair and smashed your head onto the floor consecutively.

"Shut up!!" she screamed and continued smashing your head and punching your face at the same time. Luckily at that moment Dean began to recuperate consciousness and Sam was just getting home. He dropped all the bags he had brought from the store. Jo was distracted by the noise and you threw your leg up so you were on top of her. She threw a punch at your nose and you fell to the floor. Sam came running to your room as Dean began to quietly wake up.

"You freaking slutty, bitchy, whore!" She yelled throwing punches at you.

"Jo! Jo! Get off of her!" Sam ran in and grabbed Jo and pulled her off of you.

"Thanks Sammy." you laughed.

"I thought only Dean called you Sammy." Jo turned to desperately look at Sam.

"Well maybe he just likes me better." you smiled, "seems like most people do."   you stood up wiping blood from your mouth.

"Y/N?" Dean asked standing up.

"Hiya." you snarked.

"Oh God baby what did she to ya." Dean said.

You expected him to run over to Jo for the cut above her eyebrows and her busted lip

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You expected him to run over to Jo for the cut above her eyebrows and her busted lip. You were about to roll your eyes when Dean reached you and turn to look at Jo.

"Really?! You run to that slut?!" Jo yelled, struggling to get free of Sam's hold. And you began to get weak in your knees but Dean caught you.

"She's not a slut alright?! Stop saying that." Dean said holding you up the best he could.

"What? Of cou-" Jo was cut off by Dean.

"In fact she's the exact opposite," he began but was cut off by Sam.

"Dean." Sam said, a bit worried about what would happen next.

"She- she's the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful, person I've met in my entire life." Dean said looking down at you, "Now. I get it I've only known her for a few of months, but what was a tiny spark with her," He said looking toward Jo, "is a bursting flame with Y/N... A-and I never want to let it go. Because... I think I'm in love." Dean said turning to face you, and you looked him straight in the eyes, "Actually, that back....I know."

"Dean. I- I love-." you were cut off but he seemed to understand and he smiled at you.

"Get out of my house!" Jo screeched launching herself at you.

"Get out of my house!" Jo screeched launching herself at you

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"Gladly." You laughed and tried as hard as possible not to fall. You grabbed your duffel that you were glad you hadn't unpacked yet. Thank God for your procrastination.

"Let's go." Dean said motioning for Sam to let go of Jo, and Sam nodded as he loosed his grip on Jo to see what she would do, before finally letting go.


Sam, Dean, and you were walking out the door of the Roadhouse when Jo stopped Dean.

"Except you.." Jo paused,
"I think you at least owe me an explanation." she said and Dean pursed his lips, and ran a hand down his face, but nodded.

"Right." Dean said clearing hus throat, "Uh Sam go uh find a motel and I'll um call you guys when I'm ready." Dean said, tossing Sam the keys.

"Sure thing," Sam said catching them in a swift movement, as you walked off to the Impala.

"Oh! and Sam!" Dean said as Sam turned around, "Take care if her for me for a while will ya?"

"Will do." Sam said smiling. And with that he walked off.

Dean stayed at the door looking over at you with the most adoring look in his eyes. Sam had closed the door to the Impala after tossing his things in the back, and Dean finally shut the door once the Impala faded away in the distance.

"Alright. Let's talk."


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