Drunk In Love

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"What did he do?" Sam asked after a few minutes of silence.

"He just- Why does he keep playing with me Sam. He knows I love him. Why does he have to keep hurting me?" you cried into Sam's shoulder.

"Hey don't cry," Sam said pulling away and brushing a few wet strands of hair off of your face, "He's not worth it."

"Thanks Sam. You've done so much for me already." you said trying to form a smile.

"No need to thank me Y/N." He replied and guided you to a nearby rock where you sat for hours.


You and Sam walked through the woods hand in hand. By now it was 2pm, and Sam had tried to make you laugh as much as he could on the way back to the roadhouse.

The rain had come to a halt and you and Sam had dried off a bit in the intense sunlight. Your hair no longer stuck to your face. And the only water on you at the moment came from the tears you were shedding and a few damp spots on your clothing.

"Sam." you said coming to a halt.

"Yeah?" he questioned.

"I- I think I'm gonna sit here for a while," you said motioning to a large boulder, "Alone."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to run away." Sam half smiled.

"I won't I promise." you said trying to smile and once again failing.

"Fine." he complied, "but if you're not back in an hour, Im sending a search party out for you."

All you did was nod and Sam gave you a reassuring smile before he turned to walk away.

You watched Sam's body get smaller and smaller until it vanished into the trees. You went to lean next to the boulder and you couldn't help it.

You brought your knees up to your chest and you wrapped your arms around them. You let your body tremble and shake with tears.

After about half an hour of endless crying, you sat up, letting your head lean back against the large rock.

You made a decision. If you wanted to get over Dean, you'd have to pretend to love someone else. Who else?

None other than Sam Winchester.


Because that would hurt Dean beyond the point of imagination. You had made your choice. No ands, ifs, ors, or buts.

Although what you didn't think about....Was that you'd be hurting Sam as well. That was a thought that never crossed your mind. You didn't think about how many people you'd hurt or break. You didn't care about anyone. Not even the man you loved. You didn't think about Dean. You didn't think about Sam either. You're best friend. All he'd ever done was be there for you. You couldn't do this to him. Yet, somehow you weren't thinking at that moment, and you had no idea how much damage you'd cause.

You wanted nothing but to numb the pain that was eating you up inside.

You went to your next safe place.

A bar.

You heard the familiar ding of a bell as you walked in. You moved close to the counter and leaned into the bartender's ear.

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