Your Loving Heart

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When you woke up, you were in a hospital bed. Next to you sat Dean. He was holding on to your hand and seemed to be sleeping. The sight of Dean sleeping made your heart flutter. He looked so peaceful, as if he didn't feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. You almost didn't want to move but you couldn't help it. You began to feel the urge to scratch your nose. Your free hand was full of needles and you honestly did not want to mess with them. You slowly began to lift your hand when you felt Dean start to move.

"Y/N! You're up!" He said as his eyes fluttered open. You could see a large scratch on the side of his face.

Suddenly you remembered the hunt, the werewolves, and then Jo yelling at you. Then Dean had passed out and you soon followed.

"Yeah." you managed to croak weakly as you pulled your hand away to scratch the itch on your nose.

"H-how are you?" he asked. Worry audible in every word.

"I've been better." you said with a small laugh.

Dean let out a slight chuckle. And soon you began to wonder why he was holding your hand. Where was Jo? Sam?, your best friend in the last 4 or 5 months.

"Where's Jo?" you asked and you could see Dean was quite shocked by your inquiry.

"Uh, she- she's at home." He paused. "She uh, she didn't want to come."

"Yeah I figured. But why are you here?"

"I- I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you were ok." He said a bit nervous.

"Oh uh thanks." you paused for a moment, "Dean?"

"Hm?" He asked.

"Why were you holding my hand?" you asked hoping the answer was what you thought it was.

"I- I uh.... I... I just wanted to make sure you knew that I was with you." he said.

"Ok uh, one more thing.." you said a bit scared.


"I uh- Am I- Am I staying?" you asked terrified of the answer.

"Of course Y/N. I would never let Jo kick you out."

"Thanks, but.. why?..." Dean had no time to answer as the Doctor walked in.

time lapse

You sat on the couch with Sam as you faintly heard the argument of Dean and Jo, about you of course.

"So? Uh, how you feelin'?" Sam questioned.

"I'm ok I guess" you answered.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, yeah." you said knowing that Sam knew you too well.

"Y/N. Don't lie. You look terrible." he said with a half smile.

"Gee thanks Sammy."

"Haha no prob, but seriously take care of yourself." he said with a small chuckle, but it was soon stopped when Dean burst into the room.

"Hey Sam looks like we're sharing a room. I ain't sleeping on the couch." Dean looked at his brother.

As if by instinct Sam seemed to give his brother a bit of.. help?

"Hell no Dean. Sleep with Ellen or make your peace with Jo." Sam began, "I know you can't really sleep on hard places cause you're hurt too but. Nuh uh not with me."

"Sam!" Dean began to plead.

"Nope. Im outta here." Sam said as he got up and effectively walked out of the room.

"Soo, Y/N." Dean said as he sat down next to you.

"Of course Dean. I don't mind." you said letting your mouth speak before your brain.

"Well. That was easy."

"Wow Dean." was all you managed to say at the thought of Dean sleeping with you.

"So. What're we watchin'?" he said lying on the couch.

"Uh, how does 'Magic Mike' sound?" you said glancing to see what was on.

"Haha sounds great." he said leaning a bit closer to you by the second.

The movie was half way through but the two of you didn't pay much attention to it anyway. Most if the time was being spent drinking (a lot, even for Dean) talking and making jokes. Every second falling even more for Dean. And although you didn't know it yet, the same thing happened to him.

The movie was almost done when Dean decided to start poking your sides. You began to let out small giggles until he fully attacked you. You began laughing almost hysterical but you couldn't be too loud or Jo or Ellen or Sam would surely hear. You mostly cared about Jo and Ellen at the moment.

Suddenly Dean paused and you sat up. The both of you in quite some pain because of your injuries. The beer making the slightest effect on Dean, still sober ,but not sober enough.

"My God Dean." you said breathing out exhaustedly.

"What?" he smirked as he leaned closer by the second.

The close proximity began to intimidate you as Dean leaned even closer and looked straight into your eyes.

The close proximity began to intimidate you as Dean leaned even closer and looked straight into your eyes

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"I know why you're the one." He said, which completely caught you by surprise. Your eyes were saucers, and cheeks red, like that of a tomato, at his words.

"Th- The wh-what?" you breathed out, but you were caught off guard when Dean leaned in to-

"Th- The wh-what?" you breathed out, but you were caught off guard when Dean leaned in to-

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

kiss you.

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