She's Mine

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  "What the hell Sam?!" Dean exclaimed as soon as the door slammed shut behind him.

"What?!" Sam asked innocently.

"What do you mean 'What?'! you know what I mean!"

"You mean Y/N?"

"Yes I mean Y/N! What the hell was that?! Why are you kissing my girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend huh?" Sam asked and Dean nodded. "She kissed me Dean. She's drunk off her ass because of you."

"What?! I've been looking for her everywhere!" Dean shouted.

"Well she was with me because you're a damn jerk." Sam scoffed.

"Look I know, but it wasn't my fault and you need to back the hell off Sam. Im warning you." Dean threatened.

"Bull. I don't care ok? I tried to get away from her because I knew she loves you. But I can't stand by and watch her let herself go because of you Dean!"

"Oh really? Cause it seems like you don't really give a rat's ass and you better back the hell off." Dean snapped.

"I'm not going to. I fell in love with her too and too bad if you don't like it." Sam said.

Dean gave Sam a quick look, and spoke up, "I swear if you weren't my brother you'd be on the floor."

"You can hit me all you want! It still won't change anything!" Sam laughed sarcastically and Dean had had it.

"You can hit me all you want! It still won't change anything!" Sam laughed sarcastically and Dean had had it

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"Really?....Ok." Dean smirked and threw a fast punch at Sam. And another. And another. Sam had stumbled back and Dean grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, slamming him into the Roadhouse.

Dean held Sam against the wall and punched Sam in the jaw

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Dean held Sam against the wall and punched Sam in the jaw. As soon as Bobby, Ellen, Cas, and you heard the bump you all rushed outside.

By now Dean was holding a bloody Sam against the Impala, with a bloody nose of his own.

"Dean! Stop!" Ellen yelled as she ran toward the two brothers.

Dean turned and Sam saw his chance to flip Dean against the car and throw a clean punch towards his jaw.

By then, Bobby was running towards them as well and before you knew what happened, the boys were being taken apart.

"Well I bet you're glad they saved your ass huh Sam!" Dean yelled as Bobby and Ellen took both boys in opposite directions.

Sobriety took over quickly after that and you leaned went and against the Impala letting your thoughts take control.

Bobby dragged Dean inside and slammed him in a chair.

"What the hell boy?!" Bobby roared.

"What?" Dean laughed, "You afraid I was gonna kill Sam?"

"Damnit Dean what were you thinking?" Bobby yelled smacking the back of Dean's head.

"Where is she?" Dean said avoiding Bobby's question.

Bobby sighed and took a drink from the bottle Sam left on the table. "Outside."

With that, Dean walked out in search of you and to his luck you were leaning against the Impala crying. He ran to you as soon as his eyes saw you.

You were too caught up in your now sober thoughts to hear or notice him coming. Within seconds his hands were cupping your face tenderly, as if he were afraid he'd hurt you.

"Hey babygirl." he said in almost a whisper.

"Dean?" you jumped at the sudden contact.

He nodded softly, and that was when realization downed on you.

"Leave me alone." you said and you pulled away quickly and began to walk away.

"Y/N wait!" Dean said coming after you.

"Leave me alone Dean. Haven't you done enough?!"

"Y/N listen to me please!" Dean pled.

"I'm going to check on your brother. You know.... the one who actually cares about me." you snapped.


"Bye Dean." you said and turned on your heel too walk toward where Ellen had taken Sam.


"Hey Sammy." you smiled as you made your way toward him.

"Hey." Sam smiled when he saw you coming.

You stopped when you were in front of him and squatted down to where he was sitting on an old log.

"I'll leave you two alone." Ellen smiled and began walking away.

"Thanks Ell." you smiled and turned back to Sam.

"What was all of that?" you asked Sam softly.

"Dean isn't too happy with you kissing me that's all." he said nonchalantly.

"Huh. Odd." you smiled.

"Honestly? Neither am I... What was that about?" Sam asked.

"I think I realized that Dean is more like the Devil in Disguise... and you're like the angel that came down to save me." you smiled.

"Huh....Really?" Sam smiled shyly.

Really?" Sam smiled shyly

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"Uh huh." you smiled as well.

"Well then I hope I did a good job." he said looking into your eyes and holding your hands.

"Yeah... yeah you did." you smiled.

"That's- that's great."

All you could manage was a nod. You knew you'd soon be in need of a map, because you were infinitely lost in his beautiful hazel eyes.

**Sorry for the super late update! I hope I'm forgiven! And please leave comments down below to tell me what you guys think ;D

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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