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Mr. Bunce was fine.

Surgery went well. He was given pills for the pain, but switched to over the counter medication within a few days.

Everything was fine. Penny went to University and Simon worked. They had movie nights (none of which involved hospitals) on Friday nights. They video chatted with Micah.

Everything was fine.

Everything was fine.

Except it wasn't.


Simon hated hospitals, so it was unusual for him to hop on the Tube after work and head across London to get to one.

It was even more unusual when he thought about who he was going to see when he got there.

The hospital was just as shiver inducing as Simon recalled. He rushed to the elevator, preparing to be in and out as fast as he could. Or just as fast as possible when he didn't know the room Baz would be in. He wasn't even sure if Baz would be there. He just wanted to check. Too see. If Baz wasn't there, then he probably woke up. He probably was fine and went back to doing whatever vampire mages did when they weren't hospitalized. Preferably he didn't even know Simon had seen him.

The elevator seemed bumpier than before. Jerking. Rocking. The ding was long and it took much longer for the doors to open. All the hallways looked alike. The layout of each level was nearly the same. Simon second guessed himself three times before he even turned the corner.

Left. One left.

That was the only clue he had, the rest was a guess.

Simon strode forward, thrusting his chin up in an effort to look confident in where he was going. The last thing he wanted to do was attract the attention of one of the nurses or doctors.

He peaked in the rooms as he walked by, seeing clusters of families, faces tucked into pillows, some eyes closed, some eyes open, some looking out windows, some reading books or magazines. He skirted past rooms with closed doors. He wasn't going to barge in on someone just to see if Baz was in there.

Though as he reached the end of the hallway he began to consider--

"Latin is the simplest subject, mum. There is almost no point in going at this point. I'm spending the whole class studying for other classes and flipping off the buffoons who sit beside me."

Simon swiveled around, recognizing the voice.

"Mordelia..." her mother sighed and Simon whispered at the same time.

"I don't even need you to take me. I'll take the Train."

"Mordelia, you will not," her mother snapped. "You are going to stay at Watford. And you are going to take your studies seriously."

"I think this is more important..."

The two continued arguing as they walked down the hallway, but Simon wasn't looking at them anymore. Simon was looking at the door they had left open.

He walked towards it, repeating to himself. "Mordelia. Mordelia. Mordelia."

It was almost like a spell, though he wasn't sure what he wanted to cast.

"Mordelia. Mordelia. Mordelia."

Did he want Baz to be there?

"Mordelia. Mordelia. Mordelia."

Did he not want him here?

"Mordelia. Mordelia. Mordelia."

Simon took a breath and placed a hand on the doorframe, leaning against it just in case. (In case of what? In case he fainted?)

"Mordelia. Mordelia."

He looked around the corner and breathed, "Mordelia Grimm. Grimm-Pitch."

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