Chapter 2

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When we come back to the campsite, Bilbo and the Dwarves were no where to be found. All of the supplies was still there but not a soul in sight. We made our way through the woods as quickly and quietly as possible. We soon found three mountain trolls planning the best way to devour the dwarves. Some were on a spit being turn above the fire. The rest of them we're tied up in sacks and thrown in a pile on the ground.We snuck around the trolls and Bilbo jumped up and stopped the trolls. "He's buying us time." Gandalf whispered as the Sun begins to rise. I put the hood of my cloak up and climbed on top of the rock with Gandalf. "The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf announced. He took his staff and split the boulder in two allowing the Sun to consume the trolls. The dwarves helped each other out of the sacks. I walked over to the ones on the spit. I picked up one end and stood the stick up. I took out my sword and cut the ropes. The Dwarves fell to the ground with a thud. As I stood next to Gandalf, Thorin approached us. "Who are you?" He spat. "No one of importance." I said. "A woman!?!? I should say so." I took my sword out and had it against his throat so fast he didn't have time to react. "I would watch what you say Thorin, son of Thrain. I have a short fuse." "My dear, why don't you go check on Mr. Baggins." Gandalf placed a hand on my shoulder. I placed my sword back in it's sheath and stalked over to Bilbo. "Mr. Baggins, it's a pleasure to see you alive." Bilbo laughed, "You as well my lady." The dwarves watched our exchange with puzzled expressions. I sat on a rock next to Bilbo as some of the company went to explore the troll hoard. A few moments later they emerged, Thorin and Gandalf were carrying new swords. "Bilbo, this is for you. Its about your size." He handed him a small sword. "I can't accept this. Gandalf I have never fought in my life." I left them to talk and went back to my place on the rock. "Something's coming!" someone shouted. Everyone drew their weapons, ready for a fight. "THIEVES, FIRE, MURDER!" Radagast. "Radagast the Brown." "Gandalf, I must speak with you." They went somewhere to talk and Bilbo came and sat beside me. "I could teach you how to use that if you'd like." I offered, pointing at the sword. "I may just take you up on that." Suddenly we hear a loud howl. "Was that a wolf?" Bilbo asked. "That is no wolf." Bofur replied. Suddenly two wargs attack and were taking down with ease. "Warg scouts, which means an Orc pack isn't far behind." Thorin said. "You all run, I'll draw them off." Radagast spoke up. "Radagast, these are Gundabad Wargs. They will out run you." Gandalf said."These are Rhosgobel rabbit's, I'd like to see them try. Ember, dear. Would you like to help me?" Really? Leave it to Radagast. Most of the dwarves gasped, Bilbo looked awkward and Gandalf rolled his eyes. I pulled my hood off. "Ember?" Thorin whispered. Ugh. We don't have time for this. "Go. Radagast and I will distract them. I'll catch up later." I spoke to Gandalf. I jumped on the Sleigh and got my bow ready. We got their attention alright. Wargs were snarling and snapping at the sleigh. I shot them one after the other, killing some, but there were too many. Suddenly they stopped chasing us and took off after the dwarves. I got Radagast to get me close to the hidden entrance. I saw Thorin yelling at Killi who was standing there shooting arrows. "Of all the idiotic......" I jumped off the sleigh and ran to Killi. I shot an Orc between the eyes and grabbed Killi. We ran to Thorin and the others. I threw Killi in the hole and shoved Thorin in after him. I shot one more Orc before sliding in after them. We then hear a horn blowing. Then an Orc falls into the hole, dead. Thorin pulls out the arrow and examines it, "Elves." He spat. "I see a path, but I don't know where it leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin says. Bofur replied,"Follow it of course!" I took the lead because I knew where we were and where we are headed. We emerge on a cliff overlooking Rivendell. While the company admired the view I continued on the path. Gandalf caught up with me and greeted Lindir. Suddenly Elven soldiers ride across the bridge. Of course the dwarves get into a fighting stance. Lord Elrond greets Gandalf and makes a point that someone or something led the Orcs into Rivendell territory. "That may have been us." Gandalf states rather sheepishly. Thorin steps forward, eyes full of hatred. Elrond welcomed him and of course Thorin was rude. Elrond brushed it off and offered them food, but he said it in Elvish. The dwarves took it as an insult. "Ember, welcome home." Elrond opened his arms and I hugged him. "I do believe there is a certain elf that missed you." "EMMMMMBBBBEEEEERRRRRRR!" I was tackled and Elrond just laughed at us. "Nice to see you to Ezekiel." He got up and offered me his hand. Once I was off the floor, we hugged. "What's wrong with you? Usually you are more lively." Gandalf cleared his throat and Ezekiel turned toward the dwarves. "Ohhhhh." "Ezekiel, escort Ember to her room so she may freshen up." "Of course! Shall we, my lady?" He offered me his arm. "Race ya!" I sprinted down the hall. "Hey that's cheating!" He called as he was following me. Once we arrived at my room (I won) I bathed and slipped on a beautiful dark blue dress. Someone knocked on the door, "Ember, it's Arwen." "Come in!" "You look beautiful. Come let me do your hair." She began to brush the tangles out. As the brush stroked through my light brown (almost blonde) hair, I felt myself relax. "So how are you feeling?" I looked in the mirror and our eyes met. "I'm fine, Arwen. Why Do you ask?" "You know very well why. Your father, Uncle and the rest of the dwarves found out you were alive." "Well they haven't confronted me about it, yet." "What are you worried about?" "I don't know, I honestly don't know." "Everything will be alright. I promise." She finished braiding my hair and we went to the dining area.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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