#8.3 You Find Out He's A Vampire: Calum

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The night was quiet at you and Calum's house in the middle of nowhere. There were no cars passing down the road, and there wasn't a neighbor for miles. Sure, it was secluded, but it was beautiful. Night birds sang quietly in the trees, the creek water making soft noises, frogs croaking, and the tree branches' leaves rustled together. Your boyfriend's soft snoring calmed you down, and his muscular arms wrapped around your waist, twitching every once in a while.

You were facing Calum, unable to sleep, and you studied his, now fragile looking, peaceful face while he slept. Now that you think about it, it sounds stalker-ish.

Calum stirred as he woke up. You made awkward eye contact, and Calum laughed. "Can't sleep?" You shook your head. "Well, I'll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom."

You giggled as your boyfriend smiled at you before sleepily stumbling into the bathroom at the end of the hall. You closed your eyes, trying to sleep without getting any closer to dreamland.

"NO!" You heard a scream from the bathroom, something crashing on the ground."NO NO NO! STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" What the hell is going on? Did someone break in? "NOOO!"

Then, everything was silent. Not a good silent. A creepy silence...kind of like in those horror movies. All of the peaceful night noises halted outside your window. Nothing.

Then came the hardly audible footsteps coming down the hallway. You began to freak out a little bit. The footsteps grew nearer and nearer until they halted just before you could see the figure outside the door.

You sighed in relief as Calum entered, but he had his head down. He entered the room a few paces before stopping to close the door with his foot. Something was off about him.

That's when he turned to look up at you. Blackness filled his eyes threateningly, cracks on his once tanned skin, his skin was pale and sickly, and blood ran from his lips and down onto his chin. You gasped and jumped out of the bed, backing to the wall opposite of 'Calum'.

He took several paces toward you, in the center of the room, now. "NO!" He suddenly screamed turning to face away from you. "GET AWAY FROM HER! DON'T HURT HE-" he stopped, turning to face you. His brown eyes filled with fear and apology. That is, before his pupils dilated, his eyes becoming black again. This isn't Calum. This is a vampire.

His long, pearly white fangs poked out from his upper lip as he stared at you. He took several long strides, now only a few baby steps from you. You could feel his rapid breath on your face, and it smelled...sweet?

No, this has got to be one of his charm things. Don't fall for it, (Y/n), you told yourself. Don't let him pull you in.

You scooted to the side, making the 'boy' jump and warp to the door again. You were in the corner now, but you didn't scream. To be totally honest, you were almost too scared to breathe. He tilted his head to the side (*cough cough* picture above), and he just gazed at your face. He inhaled, like a wolf scenting its prey.

He crouched over a little, hobbling over to you slowly. You sank down into a ball, your legs giving up on you, like, 'yeah, you're screwed. I'm outta here,' and you fearfully looked up at the vampire. Its face was now less than an inch from yours, your noses almost touching. His hot breath beat on your face like a drum, and your breath hitched in your throat.

But then...it...sat back? It sat down, criss cross, in front of you, leaving about a foot of space in between you two. It had a playful, almost harmless look on its face as it rocked back and forth on its bum like a little child. It had a small smile on its lips. Why?

"C-Calum?" You asked, finally gathering the courage to speak up, but it was only a weak whisper.

It let out a small growl, almost a chirp, actually.

"C-Calum? Are you in there?" You asked.

Its face fell, and it cracked its neck by tilting its head further to the side. It shook its head, looking down, but it didn't seem like a "no" to your question. It more or less looked like it was clearing its head. It rested its forehead on its fingertips for a second before looking up at you. It nodded.

"(Y-Y/n)?" It asked slowly, unsure of its words.

That was Calum, alright.

He stood up, offering his hand to help you up, and he raised a thick eyebrow, tilting his head to the side. "Are you alright?" You asked. He shrugged.

He then looked worried. "You...okay? Didn't bite...?" He asked.

Did he have a problem speaking?

"No, I wasn't bitten," you replied. He sighed in relief. "But what happened to your speech? You're talking differently."

"...Talking...hard...like this," he explained, trying very hard to make sense as he gestured to his face.

"Why?" You asked curiously. "I-I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." You looked awkwardly down at the floor.

"Posses...messes with...head," he said carefully.

"Possession messes with your head?" You asked, looking back up at him. He nodded with a small smile, glad you could understand him.

"Happy...(Y/n) understand...words," he smiled at you. He seemed to notice you we're cornered, and he gently took your wrist and pulled you into the center of the room slowly.

You were tense as he touched you, and you shivered. Something Calum knows you do when you're scared. He frowned. "(Y/n) scared..of...Calum," he said slowly. He rubbed his arms with his hands self consciously. You didn't know what to say. "Wants...to leave...Calum," he sighed. "Help...pack things," he opened the closet door to pull out boxes.

"Nonono!" You rushed over, causing him to jump and drop the boxes. You put them back in the closet, and your tall boyfriend looked at you with surprise in his black eyes.

"(Y/n) stay?" He asked excitedly. You couldn't help but giggle at his language this time. You nodded your head, and Calum laughed happily, pulling you into a hug. "Love, (Y/n)...so fucking much!"

"I love you, too, Calum!" You giggled as he twirled you around in his arms. He kissed your lips quickly before he laid you in the bed. He came back with a book, and he laid beside you with a small yawn. Sure, he had fangs, cracks in his skin, and black eyes, but it was kinda cute.

He handed you the book, Famous Last Words by Katie Alender, and you looked at him funny. "(Y/n)...sleep trouble. Read book...read book to Calum...Calum love voice. (Y/n) voice...beautiful," he rambled. You turned on a dull lamp (so you could see), and Calum wrapped his arms around your waist. He rested his soft cheek on your shoulder, his forehead touching your cheek, and he kisses your neck skin. "Read book...please?" He begged sticking his bottom lip out.

"I'll read it, Cal-Pal," you giggled. He let out a happy "yay" as you opened the book and began on the first page. He listened to your voice for hours until you started getting tired, and he put the book up when you were on chapter eight.

"Rest of book...tomorrow?" He asked as he laid down, and you cuddled into his chest.

"Yeah. I like that book."

"And Calum like you. Love (Y/n)," he kissed your forehead as he held you tighter to his chest.

"I love you, too," you said before drifting off to sleep.
That both sucked and was okay at the same time :/ idk how but it just does.

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